Where I don't care what others think

Final Push

November 27th, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Its officially the final push of the semester here at RPI, I decided so because mr. calculus (Schmidt) took a portion of the class to outline the last two weeks and another class did evaluations. With two weeks of classes left to go I’ve decided its time to rededicate myself to completing those projects I told myself I would finish for Christmas Break, such as mass producing the Tiger Times Story, and some message board stuffs.

I’ve created a todo in my book, which is also serving as a christmas list. Its an everything list really. I’m working on things I want for christmas, I have to keep my list both realistic and functional. I know my parents will not be able to buy me a harddrive unless i give them the most detailed describtion possible, but I also like to be surprised. What will I get? I have no clue. But I do know what my brother is getting, probably because I did the buying…. maybe he could return the favor?

I dislike when I have troubles waking up, I know I’ve blogged this before but it really frustrates me. I need to work on my Morning Motivation or something. My normal morning goes something like this:

  • 6:10 – Alarm Clock
  • 6:15 – Cell Phone Alarm
  • 6:40 – Cell Phone Alarm 2

Well, usually after the 6:40 alarm clock I fell asleep. That was ok though because I set the alarm to go off at 7:33. Unfortunately I wokeup to find my roommate in the shower. Lacking the motivation to sit in front of the screen and wait I felt I could just roll over and relax.. Well relax turning into sleep. I wokeup again at 9:00… grr. I like to get an early start to my day because I like to. The internet is faster when noone is using it, and I can work peacefully and quietly while nothing is going on.

The problem is I dislike being awake and not being able to make myself feel cleanish. Like changing clothes, or shaving or something. So i would rather stay asleep until I can do so.

Ok, I’m tired of writing. I wrote 12 pages in the past 2 days.. gimme a break. BTW expect a blog on girls in the media soon. Grr…

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Where’s the Thanks

November 21st, 2006 Posted in Problems, Stupid People | No Comments »

As I promised today would be an interesting day for sure.

Well, as you remember from yesterday’s bloggings, my mom would not let me go to school today because it would be “disruptive” or something like that. So.. I wokeup at 6:15 and played asleep until mom left at 7:20. When she left I started to run through everything I had to do. I had to do some laundry, after I showered of course so I could get hot water, and write thank you notes for my Eagle Ceremony.

I got my laundry and notes done by 10 so I ran off to get my haircut. That finished by 10:30.

I rolled into SHHS and parked in a visitor spot. I was suppose to be going to the media studio where Tiger Times had a todo list for me and a video Pep Rally that needed to get edited since the gym is out of comission.

I walked in with the PVEC kids or whatever their acronym is. The kids that go to a different school in the morning. I know I could have walked in with them and no one notices but I stopped into the office to follow the procedures. I wouldn’t want to have someone call the swat team on me.

So I was in the office, Mrs. Zukowski looked over at me. I asked if I had to sign in or something to work on a video in the media studio. She said yes and directed me to the book. I signed in and she asked if Tom knew I was coming, I explained I had just shot him and email and explained the situation with the video pep-rally. After calling the studio and noone answering she told me she couldn’t let me in unless he was there. I removed my visitors pass and “signed out”. She told me to call Adam, he was going out to lunch with a friend for lunch.

I walked out of the school and saw Katie and Billy Ray waiting for me, I quickly told them I wasn’t allowed in and left.

Grr, I’m rather upset. Technically I’m still an employee as I explained before.

As a college student, I know that “alumni” are always welcome in the school and frequently visit. Actually, they have their own special building. Alumni contribute financially and with their career endevours. High school on the other hand takes an opposite approach to alumni. Alumni are not allowed to visit members of the community or school, hence no donations are collected. As a recent graduate I’m given one day to visit the school without having to schedule an appointment, and even then.. that day is restricted with loose enforcement. I dislike this system, high schools need more money and things but can’t get them because no one is willing to donate. No one is willing to donate because their not allowed to visit staff members or use the facilities.

I don’t know anymore where I was going, I’m just very upset. I feel like I’ve been voted out of SHHS as well as the Studio. Who else wants to speak harshly to me today?

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Thinking of tomorrow

November 20th, 2006 Posted in Life, Problems, Studio | No Comments »

Tommorrow will be an interesting day.

I arrived in South Hadley today because, unknown to me, my dad was in Stockbridge at a Strategic Planning Meeting for his company and came out to get me after the meeting was done.

Well, I planned on going into the studio/SHHS tomorrow to do some work and say hi to a few teachers. In typical mom tradition, she told me that I can not go to school tomorrow. Its a normal day of school and I shouldn’t distract the students. Wednesday it might be ok though.

That goes the plan. I can’t just go to school tomorrow because she won’t leave for work until 7:20. Unfortunately if I leave at 7:20 I won’t get to school in time to walk in like a regular student and go right to the studio without having to hassle the office. Well, I figured there was a chance I could make it into the school and sign into the office, I’m friends with Ms. Z so I thought I had a chance.

After talking with Katie tonight I no longer feel motivated or excited to come into school. Apparently I will have to jump through loops, be restricted to a certain area, that is IF someone will let me into the studio in the first place. And I guess there are only a few “authorized” persons to do so? I don’t know anything.

So what will I do? Who knows.

Personally I think I have a valid reason to be there. I was hired over the summer for a year long position, so technically I’m still an employee of the school district so I could be there unpaid, volunteering. I mean I still have a key and everything, so I don’t think I’m an intruder like everyone else.

Maybe everyone has forgotten how much time I’ve put into that place, not just that place but the district since 6th grade at the Middle School. I’ve fixed hundreds of computers, most of which unpaid. I know that if a teacher stops me tomorrow (if I go) I could say “do you remember that time I came to help you install ________” but of course I would never say that to someone, I’d rather take the humble lonely approach and sit here all day watching the laundry.

Of course I can’t stay all day because I have laundry and things to do. If I don’t do them tomorrow I’ll have to do them Wednesday and that will ruin that day. I’m not as lucky as some people who come home from college and get their laundry done for them. All I get is to save $1.25 a load.

Time to go to bed. If I can sleep. And think of a plan…

Good night moon.

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