Where I don't care what others think

I survived

May 22nd, 2008 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

So I survived. My four wisdom teeth are somewhere else, all that I know is that they are not in my mouth. If they are, I am going to be very mad at someone. The hardest part about the whole thing was probably not drinking water before going in for the procedure.. and all the salvating I did. I am very good at drooling. Part of my face is still numb, probably not a great sign. I go in tomorrow for the follow up, where I will clearly tell the Dr “I am still numb here (jab myself in lower jaw)”. The hardest part about having the numb spot is shaving. I’ve learned the feedback I get from my face is essential for a close/decent shave. I am resorting to shaving that triangle of my face using a poorly performing electric razor, then pulling out the regular one for the rest of my face. Stupid face.

I started work on Monday at T&B. Its been interesting. Working 8:00am to 5:00pm is long, especially with a 30 minute commute tacked on to that. At least my commute is timed such that I can listen to NPR. I enjoy the line “This is All Things Considered on NPR. I am Michele Norris.” I dunno what about that line is so cool, but the name “Michele” is neat, or the way she says it is. Lets see, more about work. I am doing lots of ASP development. Not ASP.net, just ASP. So far I have yet to be impressed with ASP. The code I’ve seen and written seems to be a lot of work for little results. I’ll take PHP any day please. Unforunately I can’t point you to any cool code I’ve written, its all for use on the intranet (i.e inside the network). I look forward to some challenging problems to solve, but who knows what will happen.

Overall things have been terribly busy. I should be asleep right now, but I’m not. I have tons of review to do for Concerto. I got access to Google App Engine and I really want to play around with some a few ideas I have floating in my head. To bad they didn’t do PHP or even RoR… but PHP first please. My secret project is coming slowly, but its coming. I am feeling deprived of community service. I want to volunteer some time at my local SHCTV15, but its hard to fit that in with a 8-5 working day. Who knows what will happen. I think I’m going to try to reduce my hours one day (maybe take an afternoon or morning off each week) to help out and fill my community service deprivation.

I think it is safe to say I am going to be opening up applications for BriSpace soon. What you are applying for is unknown, but a non-disclosure agreement will be manditory. I have to sign up for some online banking… talk to you later.

Goodnight moon.

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Back to the basics

May 11th, 2008 Posted in Life | 1 Comment »

I am now sitting in my basement, where I have setup shop with my computers. My shoebox (SFF) is still broken and needs a new motherboard, but I won’t bother with fixing that for a little while. Its a different feeling to be home from school, I have lots of stuff to unpack yet I find myself very hesitant to do so. I just know that in <4 months I’ll be packing it all up again and heading back. I need to take some time to prioritize this summers projects, which I’d really like to get started on tomorrow.

The problem is that on Wednesday, at 9:00am I am going in to have 4 of something removed from my mouth (maybe wisdom teeth). I am under the impression that I will be OOC (out of comission) for Wednesday, and maybe the latter of that week as well.. so I probably don’t want to start anything too involved before then. My current plan is to completely ignore the fact that I’m having this procedure done until I get there, and even then completely focus on something else. This is part of my larger plan to avoid passing out, or doing anything that would make me have to go back a second time to complete the procedure. In an attempt to plan the best timed vacation in the world, my dad is going away to Puerto Rico tomorrow for a little over a week, so mom will be the sole person responsible for this undertaking. I wish I could take a pill or get an injection that would like dissolve whatever they have to take out of me. Maybe they could make some “nanites” to eat them or something. That would be much cooler, and probably less scarry for me, than being sliced open.

Switching topics, I need to start thinking about new cell phone plans sooner rather than later. Dad asked me if I wanted to do that this afternoon (which of course I did), but I referred him to Kevin because he should pick out his own phone. Of course Kevin declined, because he doesn’t want to do anything that might possibly result in him getting a new phone. I know he is so attached to the old one, which he has sent like 3 text messages on, and recieved around 10mins worth of phone calls over the past 2 years. Sometimes ya just got to let them go I told him, but he was too busy with some rocks to listen. But seriously, (that implies I made most of that last part up FYI) I’m not sure what to do. Dad has asked if I wanted a PDA for my birthday, which I wouldn’t mind but I’m not interested in carrying both a PDA and a cell phone around. Data plans aren’t as cheap as I’d like them to be, so who knows. I’m also mad that there are no Andriod phones for me yet. I know that they will be out in under 2 years (my likely contract length), so I’ll be a late adopter of that plan. Based on past data, there is a high likelyhood the release of such a phone will be coordianted with when Katie’s phone is up for a new one. She is lucky with her cell phones like that… I am not.

I’m suppose to start work next Monday (a week from tomorrow) and I’m partially excited. I’m excited to be given projects that actually have a hard deadline and are expecting some completion. I’m also worried about the technical nature of those projects, I would be very excited to work on some cool web portal thing, but I would be less excited to replace ink cartridges in printers. I guess I have a very poor feel for what work I’m going to be doing. Last year at MassMutual it was very clear to me, the projected was explained in the interview and I had a clue what I was getting into. This year I know little to nothing.

Prom was last night. It was different, not so many people. That made my attempt at dancing even worse, I have this problem dancing in front of people I’ve worked with like the principal, deans, etc. Especially this one teacher, who several years ago, made some remarks about my lack of social life that still haunt me to this day. But I did my best, and that was the best that I could do. The food was wierd, but we got McDonalds afterwards which was tasty. More to write here, but not for this blog.

I guess I’m going to go watch Friday’s episode of Numb3rs and see what pretend exciting stuff I missed. It would be neat if the world was as excited as TV shows make it out to me.

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Quantum States

May 7th, 2008 Posted in College | No Comments »

Tonight is likely my last night writing to you from this room in BARH, and likely my last time writing to you this school year at RPI. I finished my last final this morning, so tomorrow I’ll finish loading the car up and drive home once again. I’m going to take some time to reflect back on the past semester, and whole year here at RPI. I should have taken some time to review the falls semester, but the Christmas blogging season is always very busy for me.

Academically I’ve learned some material. I can’t say I’ve learned too many things I’ll be applying in real life situations, maybe some logic reduction stuff from COCO, or PID control from LITEC. Perl has probably taught me the most useful material here. Prof. Lalli is probably the best professor I’ve had here at RPI. If you’re looking for a course where you’re actually going to learn thing that you can use, like tomorrow, take something he teaches (which is currently just Perl). Courses like CANOS, DSA, Database Systems all taught me some theory stuff that I kind of already had a clue excited. No, I might not have been able to implement it programmatically, but that was only because I hadn’t had the need. Chemistry and Physics 1/2 were pretty much useless courses, and I got the impression they were designed to be that way.

On the topic of extra-cirriculars, let me start with projects. The studentdev server I helped launch in the fall was probably the most sucessful of the projects to date. I don’t have the exact numbers, but hundreds of RPI community members have signed up to use the server.. there are a handful of active developers each day I estimate. Some strides were made on the shuttle tracking project, but I’m not very satisfied with it still. I’ll spend some time this summer re-writing everything again. RPI TV has videos up on the website which is pretty awsome, though I don’t recall hearing any feedback about this. The bandwidth logs show people watch them, but I hear nothing. Concerto, which was Digital Signage back in the fall, has been one of the largest small projects I’ve worked on to date. I can’t say something like “fruits of my labor” or anything like that, because I’m not satified we’ve produced any fruit yet. Maybe in a year I’ll be more comfortable, but we need to get the time-tested stone starting to roll, and there is really no way to speed that up.

The clubs themselves have seen change as well. RPI TV held well-needed elections for new officiers in the fall. I’m not pleased with the elections (mainly the process), as you can read in my yet to be completed Three Part Series. The group has lost a lot of members, and my gut tells me interest is fading as well. I think a unified vision is necessary to improve, but that unified vision needs to be drafted by the members. The plural on members there is critical. We also fail to do a good job welcoming people into the group, but thats the easier problem to solve. The Senate Web Tech Group / Concerto team has probably doubled its membership, gaining probably 3-5 members this year. Its certainly a good thing that people are interested, but its always put me at an uncomfortable place when people start doing things that I used to be privy to. I guess its a sign of the changing times, and I have not been ready for change anytime soon.

Socially at RPI I cannot say much has changed at all. I have managed to eat in the Commons dining hall all year, generally 2-3 meals there a day. I continue to spend most of my non-class time in my room. There was a spurt of time where I felt I had found a better setting to work, but that changed quickly when my setting became everyones. I’ve done a few things I’m still not completely comfortable with, and while I continue to evaluate those decisions, I know I must continue moving on. I might have “hung out with ‘friends” here at RPI for the first time this year, clearly that practice didn’t happen last year… I put friends in quotes because I still feel a term like coworker is more appropriate, at least from my work-centric view.

I’m having trouble coming up with a defined set of accomplishments that have happened this year, lending me to believe its a transitioning time. Nothing is really packaged up and done, but there isn’t the excitement of a brand new project either. I would put this is the Storming stage probably, which does correspond to the 2nd out of 4 year principle. I need to spend some time re-evaluating where I am and where I want/need to be next year. Its a difficult thing, I’ve always had these very defined and clear goals… graduate high school, get into college, become an eagle scout… but I’m having problems coming up with such clear goals now. Its like hrm, I could go to grad school, I could join the workforce, I could try to invent something cool. The choices are challenging, and pretty mutually exclusive. One of my problems is lacking a realistic role model. In past I’ve always been pretty apt to watch someone a year or two ahead of me complete a task so I could at least have an idea how to go about it. It doesn’t seem like anyone here is really focused on anything similar to me, nevermind someone who is open to sharing the process.

I just have to write this before.. idk what.. before I say Brian, you shoulda gotten it out there even though nobody figured it out. Text A really frustrates me. I dislike it being constantly shown off and rubbed in my face. Yes, I guess its my penalty for reading it because its technically not automatically showing itself but still. I’ve always been hostile to similar things, all for the same reason. Its challenging for me to explain, but there are forces at work on me that are very difficult to explain. I can’t just X, it doesn’t work like that. I’ve spend several years refining my process and every wham, time to wave it in your face again. I will conduct a more detailed analysis of Text A later. It will be humorous for me.

On that note I part only but for a while. Expect me when I get home, sometime tomorrow.

Goodnight moon.

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