Where I don't care what others think

First Week Down

August 31st, 2008 Posted in College, Personal, Schools, Stupid People | 1 Comment »

So I’ve finished my first week here at RPI.. only how many more to go, right?  It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought.  I can only hope the rest of the weeks this semester keep up like this.  The worst part about my schedule is having class at 8:00am everyday.  To deal with this I wake up between 6:10 and 6:15, to give myself plenty of time to wash up and eat breakfast in my room before leaving around 7:36 to walk on down.  Eating breakfast in my room has been that largest change, and I can’t say I’m a huge fan of it.  I certainly don’t mind eating here, but my selection of cereal bars, donuts, and oatmeal isn’t nearly as tasty as the bagels or waffles Commons has to offer.  To bad they don’t open earlier, like 7:00 or even 7:15 would be more workable.. 7:30 is just too late right now.

The church across the street had a picnic tonight which just finished up.  I don’t know anything about it except for that involved lots of loud music.  My closed window was unable to keep it out.  Luckily the musical wasn’t awful to listen to.

Today has been a wierd day.  I spent most of yesterday working on building a Ruby on Rails app, because I’ve yet to find a solid tutorial for Google’s App Engine that involves multiple code files and stuff.  I wouldn’t say I found rails any faster to cleaner to work in than PHP.  I’m pretty confident that I could have done the same stuff in PHP just as easily and probably just as cleanly.  We’ll see if I get the app together enought to publically release it as intended.  My main todo item is a design.. the part of making web things that I least like.  If there was only a resource for simple web designs with CSS to go along with them… I would like that.

I had some things I wanted to get done today but it was challenging.  Everyone at RPI has been going in different directions.  Now if those directions are just different from mine, or independly different I don’t know.. all I know is that I seem to know less and less until it conflicts with what I had been planning.  I know, I should be expressing what I think and stuff but thats it.. I have several times in the past and now that its time to move on something people object.  I am unsure what I need to improve on to fix this, but I shall think.

I’ve been very frustrated at RPI TV right now.. maybe more the MMS side of things.  MMS being the Multi Media Services department at RPI… they run the campus TV plant among other things.  Right now the process to airing something is fairly straightforward; I make a physical copy of the show, fill out some paperwork, and drop it off with someone in MMS to handle the rest.  A few days later I get an email telling me to login and program it when I want.  Its not a terribly bad situation when it works but as you can guess.. its not working.  I think I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again: being the RPI TV Station Manager would be orders of magnitude better if there was actually a station to manage.  Right now I “manage” the filling out of paperwork and carrying of dvds… there’s not much to it.

People ask why I stay involved with my towns PEG station (SHCTV 15) and its pretty simple.. if something isn’t working right, I can climb right back behind the racks in the head end and fix it.  If the programing thing can not interface with the routing switcher I am allowed to actually go and fix it… there’s none of this waiting for someone else to get around to it or whatnot.  No, there isn’t any fancy 32×32 routing switcher, but does the RPI TV channel really need access to all of those devices?  I think not.

If it was up to me, which it clearly isn’t, RPI TV would be as seperate from the cable tv plant operation as possible.  It makes sense to be located in their head end room,  but not to be heavily integrated into their equiptment.  I would redesign it something like this… a 4×1 routing switcher controlled by RPI TV.  Inputs might be the MMS Bulliten board system, a campus location [output from 32×32], a deck, and a digital playout server.  The output could go into the MMS 32×32 corkboard, but would be the default route for the channel.  Therefore if there was an emergency it would be completely in their capabilities to override everything we were doing with whatever they wanted.  RPI TV would still have the control of day to day operations of everything, and a digital playout server would greatly enhance the amount, quality, and usefulness of content shown on the channel.

Technically speaking members of club and I could likely handle all of the technical aspects of the system with our eyes closed.  I would even settle for a significantly less advanced implementation, just the digital playout server would be nice…The only stopper to implementing any of this is policy and people. I’m good at dealing with neither.

That was a lot of talking about RPI TV and not so much about anything else.  Katie went to New York city today.  I’m unsure what she did, something about a cruise maybe?  I look forward to getting the scoop from her when she returns later this evening.

My brother moved into Siena yesteday.  He has a triple which is pretty unlucky, but he indicated neither of the roomates were terrible to interact with.

I think I am going to rent an iTunes movie… maybe.  I want to legally watch a rental movie if there is nothing better to do.  Of course stuff to do could arise at any point, and I would hate to waste the $4 on a movie I don’t see.

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Moving Again

August 28th, 2008 Posted in College, Problems | 1 Comment »

No I’m not dead.  I didn’t stop paying the bills.. I actually offered to pay more than my bill, but I was unable to convince my VPS host to stay online.  Apparently they were getting DDoS a lot and had to close down.. pretty lame if you ask me.  I was worried because one night my sites where there and the next.. no response at all.  Luckily they were nice enough to send me a backup, so I think we’re back online.  If you can read this that means we are.

Ok, so I just had to battle with MySQL to unlock my tables.  I had to import them by copying the files from /var/lib/mysql to the right place, but MyISAM wouldn’t unlock them.  phpMyAdmin could export the sql, which I then re-imported.. and now I think this can be posted.

I’ve sucessfully moved into my single here at RPI which is pretty nice.  I’ve got enough space for my modest living arrangements and the room isn’t in terrible shape.  The primary light balast (if thats what they are called) in the bathroom is broken unless you increase the humidity by showering… which is good for me, I can see when I’m shaving.  My schedule is different, it reminds me of my high school and middle school days; I start class at 8:00am everyday, and run pretty straight through until 2-3.  The morning classes aren’t too hard on my sleep, but breakfast is!  I really enjoy eating a bagel for breakfast at Commons.  Last year, with 10am classes most days it was easy.  This year, squeezing in a formal breakfast in the 30 minutes after Commons opens at 7:30 would be tough.  I guess I could walk to Commons and be in line when they open at 7:30, but then I would not have time to properly brush my teeth after eating breakfast.  If this was any other meal I might be ok, but I must brush after breakfast or I feel physically uncomfortable all day.

I have much more to discuss, and I will definately do that at a later point.  I just wanted to check in so people didn’t submit bug reports to their RSS readers, internet providers, etc for this site always being down.  Feel free to blame them for not providing a backup of my humble musing.

Good night moon.

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August 14th, 2008 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

So I finished up my primary summer job on Monday.  I started my final conversation with my boss by saying “Shalom” which was fitting now that I think about it, meaning “hello” and “goodbye”.  Overall it was a pretty positive experience.  I learned more ASP/ADO that I could have learned on my own over the summer.  Hopefully the tools I wrote for the intranet will keep working.  I always try my best to design systems that even if not the best, will keep working.  There are a few things that still nag at me from previous summer jobs that I know will break… bugs I should have gotten rid of but didn’t have time to.  The fact that I know of them but didn’t have a chance to address them is extra frustrating for me.

Right now I am backing up my mac-mini to bamsrv.  My “new” all purpose box I’ll bring to college with me. Its not new at all, but hopefully it will make a good file server for my stuffs and anyone else’s stuff who I permit to use it.  After this test backup, I’ll be starting what I call the great backup.  I have to move lots of gigabytes off my Windows dynamic raid NTFS drives to a temporary storage location so I can reformat those drives in EXT3 or something to connect them up to bamsrv (running Ubuntu).  Unfortunatly I know the hard drive I’m backing them up to is corrupt.. so it will be an interesting backup procedure. If I had a spare 500gb drive I’d be all set, but I don’t.  Thinking about it, going windows raid probably wasn’t the smartest move for the long term, but it did work quite well for the short term.

I’ve been busy working on the redesign for Katie’s site.  If all goes well it will be live in a week or so.  I’ve also been busy working on a site for my parents, who are going to be renting out our Vermont house this fall/summer.  I’ll make sure to link to it when I get it up and running, but you should definately consider renting it.  Don’t tell them my blog referred you or anything like that, just pretend you heard about it on the internet or something.

Now I’m mad.  Facebook has been working on this redesign thing.  Personally, I don’t care too much about it.  I haven’t spent enough time on facebook in the past few weeks to have an opinion one way or the other.  I do however, care about my application: quotes.  Right now it seems like the quotes boxes aren’t being allowed on the main “wall” tab, being forced into the looser “boxes” area.  Junk.  I was aware of the changes coming up, but I figured I would be pretty save.  My application isn’t exactly complicated.  It just works, or at least thats the goal.  Now I’m going to have to spend time figuring out why my box can’t be in the same spot as the gifts, notes or superpoke.  If superpoke can be there, I should be able to be there.

I must start debugging this immediatly… maybe immediately after sleep.

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