Trumpet Noise
April 11th, 2006 Posted in Problems, Studio | 1 Comment »Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, I have made a decision…. pants are essential to life… no, just kidding.. well, I think pants are important but I didn’t decide that. Mr. Pantalon did… but my actual decision for college is RPI!!
Consider yourselves lucky, you’re the first ones to actually know! I haven’t even told my parents yet. How do I plan on telling them? I left a sticky note on the kitchen counter, that’s sure to tell them. I really didn’t want to deal with there “why’s” and anything like that. RPI, Final Answer, time to dish out the deposit.
That means driving to Troy (i.e a larger Holyoke) will become a more regular occurance. It’s about 1.45 hours so feel free to come visit me and Mr. Sullivan up there…
Yeah, as of late there has been a lot racing through my mind. How have i dealt with it? In my usual tradition, I haven’t. For example when 9/11 occured I refused to deal with it emotionally, I looked at it objectively and shed no tears… it wasn’t until this year in physics when it sunk in, then I broke down. But currently I’m not letting too many things get below the surface. Because below the surface I’m scared. I’m Scared that I’ll loose everything around me. I’m Scared that when I go off to Troy, South Hadlians are going to keep moving on and forget me just like a car ride. Well, I’m not sure how I can address that, but at the moment I have a little too much going on to try and do that at the moment.
Did I mention I worked 6:30pm-11pm tonight… that was tiring and boring at the same time. Next week, Tues-Fri I’ll be working 8a-2p ish at the high school… and this weekend I’ll be in NJ visiting mom’s fam (total draggg). I leave Friday morning and come back Mon? Maybe Sun but I doubt that.
And to add to the stress my dad is heading into Boston the monday we come back from Vaca (April 24-26) to have a procedure to address the cancer in his prostrate. Yea… maybe you could say a lil prayer for him. His name is Ronald Michalski. And he likes the Hot Tub, yard, and Vermont. Go figure?
Did I also forget my eagle project… running the cable studio while Tom takes a cruise next week (Tues and Weds night)..
EEK… luckily.. umm.. I have nothing to be thankful for..
EDIT… yes I do, I have a super cool girlfriend who always puts up with however dumb I am and can relieve my stress in an instant just by smiling
Maybe I’ll get a break… or else I might just… well, I won’t actually do anything.. but please chill/hang out with me and GEt me outta this house..I’m looking to avoid stress and that place is not here…
I just wanna
April 11th, 2006 Posted in Stupid People | No Comments »Well, I’m not sure what I want to do but here’s the scoop. (Scoop is a cool word, isn’t it!) As many of you know I went to RPI on Saturday to go checkout the school. Another fairly unknown fact about me is that I don’t own Hoodie Sweatshirts, primarily because my dad thinks I should be in an XL or something so I can never trust his shopping skills. Put one and one together, I got a hoodie! It’s red and says “Rensselaer” on the front and it’s pretty cool I must admit. I wore it around the house Saturday and out to the movies (Ice Age 2 is funnnny). I managed to keep is super clean.
Today I made the move to wear it to school. It got hot during umm.. E-Block (Physics) so I stuffed it in my locker… no biggy, right? Well, after school I get to my locker to go grab my books and such and presto, what do I have but a nice and dusty hoodie! It looks as if it was used to dust a windowsill or something like that, or mop the floor. Grr grr grr grrr grr… that was like a brand new piece of clothing, one that I actually liked for that matter. Either there are some serious RPI-haters or some serious Brian-haters… I lean toward the latter option.
Well, what to do, what to do… simple,
Machine Wash Warm in like colors. Tumble Dry