Where I don't care what others think

Back to pain

September 5th, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Well today I got back to RPI after a nice long weekend with Katie. She drove up here Friday to come save me, and her parents wer very gracious allowing me to stay at their house. My parents aren’t fans of me coming home often, they think that distance is a good thing but they insist on emailing me every 30 seconds. I dunno why they don’t like me to come home, its not like I hit them up for money or anything….

But spending the weekend with Katie was pretty darn awsome. It had been 10 days since we had seen each other and that was 9 days 12 hours too much for me, we hung out, saw “The Illusionist” and visit a couple of people who are also in the process of getting ready for their own college experience.

Here at the dorms its Rush month, so daily we have frats knocking on our door… personally I don’t answer, I just stare at them through the upper peep hole until they leave. I hope they don’t see me.. I dunno, I’ve never tried it.

Tonight starts House at 8pm… I’m watching it! Also tonight at 9:30 is the official meeting for RPI TV, I think I’m going to check it out to see what its all about. I know they don’t have a studio so it should be interesting..Well, I’m back. It was interesting, they’re looking to start a regular TV news show, I smell another startup TT style. Maybe I make a job outta this kinda stuff? Who knows!

I still have a total of 0 friends. Today I deemed was “mob” day, when people walk around in large mobs of people upwards of 6-7. This was noticed at meals when there were extra seats crowded around tables and I noticed when I saw people walking to class. Those of us loners are becoming less in numbers. Do I care? Not really, it would be nice to have somewhere to sit.

Once again I am fascinated by peoples seating choices in class. The only empty seat in my 30 student calc class was next to me. I have a pet peeve of people who sit on the isles in large lectures. Could you not do that? Save the isle seats for straglers or people who showup late so they don’t have to disturb everyone in the isle.

Right now I crave something, I think its a smell.. I can’t tell what it is. I hear sirens too, or wierd music. Yea, wierd music.

Again I dislike college and its setup. I feel like complaining to someone about the system, but who would listen? Who can you share a crazy idea of changing how college and high school work with besides the internet? No clue. If anyone knows please tell me. I’d write a book about if it someone would read it. I am going to send letters to teachers at SHHS thanking them for everything over the past 4 years. They’re not going to be generic thank you notes or anything like that, letters, with lots of words and content.. pretty juicy sounding actually. The question is who should I do first.

On another note, I’m workin on a project that I like alot.. generally because it has a physical aspect. I can’t say what is it, but I may be soliciting non-returnable or refundable donations from Tiger Times members. I’ll probably pay the money out of pocket, a hundred isn’t too bad to add to that pool.

Speaking of money, I want to get a digital job. Do they exist? Where can I push digi-papers on my schedule to make a few extra dollars. I generally have at least 3 hours every morning I can do anything.. I’d settle for minimum wage. My only requirement: I can do it from my dorm room. Any offers? There was once a Beatles song with the line “Money can’t buy me love”.. which is completely true, but money can certainly help extend and facilitate love. I know what I’m thinking.. You probably don’t!

Well.. yea.. blah.. i feel not well…

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Slighty Different

August 31st, 2006 Posted in College | 2 Comments »

Well, I figured I would take a different approach to a post.. one less serious, more straightforward… something that would be a pleasent change of pace right about now (especially in life)

Debunking Current College Myths

1. I have a roommate – I just happen to know him from High School and Boy Scouts. Dan Sullivan. We have the same major.

2. I’m majoring in Computer and System Engineering… don’t ask me what that means

3. I have no friends, nor do I have any expectations or goals to make any while here. My purpose is to pass with good grades… leading to the next point.

4. Not every college student drinks, parties, drugs, sexes, etc etc. I am one of those who don’t do any of that stuff. I have not attended any parties where alcohol has been served (actually, any parties that weren’t like “Kick Off BBQ” which really doesn’t count).

5. No, I don’t have any good drunk stories to tell… or any stories at all.. not having friends means I don’t find these things out so I can’t tell you.

6. Yes, I have unlimited food between 7:30am and 7:30pm… No, I haven’t used it more than 3 times in a day.

7. I make my bed daily, not everyone is a slob in college. My clothes are fairly neatly folded to the best of my ability. I wash them weekly.

8. I can do laundry, I do two loads.. whites.. and everything else… on ‘Warm’ and then they come out good. I haven’t noticed any bleeding between the reds and the not-so reds, etc etc.

9. In my spare time I don’t sit outside or hang out in other peoples dorms.

10. My door is always closed, there are creeps and we don’t want just any looser to walk in here.

11. I don’t know how to work a regular college bathroom system, we have a private one. 🙂

12. Homework gets done in a timely fashion.

13. Just because my earliest class is at 11, doesn’t mean I sleep until 10:45. Today for example my earliest class is at 11 and I wokeup at 6:15.

14. I try to stay informed on current events, but I will let you know I haven’t watched the World News recently.

15. My computers aren’t my life… the people my computers connect me to are!

16. I’m not having the time of my life, and honestly I don’t think I will.


Day 2 Down

August 29th, 2006 Posted in College | 1 Comment »

Today I finished my second day of classes. Today really doesn’t count tho, I only have 1 class (Calc II).. Monday I had 4 classes.. 11-6, busy day. So far its been wierd, in most of my classes where they’re were empty seats people didn’t sit next to me.. in one class.. that had an empty seat on either side of me, students opted to move chairs and take the teachers chair.. leaving the only two seat in the class next to me… I think I smell fine, I’m shower daily, etc etc.. maybe I just scare them away.. that must be it… i’m too scary for them.. lol.. yea right..

So far the friend count hasn’t changed. I don’t know anyone new.. and that’s ok in my book!

We got our laptops on Sunday, so I’m using it to type at the moment!

In other news its pretty lonely here, lots of time to sit and do stuff.. I haven’t figured out exactly what to do yet.. I might join RPI TV.. bingo.. that reminds me where i wanted to go with all this..

I figured out how my ideal educational system might work, or at least a compent of it. You know how graduate students play a critical role in college classes, as TA and Instructors? Well I think a similiar system should exist for High School Students. Given most would not want the program, I for one would love to be a TA at South Hadley High School either helping the CS students, CAD, etc.. but no…. higher education does not find high school as high enough. I don’t see why not.. i don’t see any difference in knowledge of material from graduating HS and graduating college. Not too much I can do to change that tho…

I miss everything a lot. I miss Hot Chocolate, I miss what I built for myself at SHHS, I miss seeing my girlfriend the most of all.. and it just frustrates me that society has designed this system.. yes, I know it works for some people.. but look at all those people out there that aren’t following their passions. Me for example, my passion is directing live television in a stressful enviroment, so I founded the Tiger Times to kind get me started. Now I’m at college, pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering that will land me a job doing god knows what.. Yes, I enjoy computers, yes, I’m pretty good at them… no, it doesn’t excite me when programs work or when the hardware finally turns on.. it just frustrates me it wasn’t working when I first tried.

Maybe its the fact computers always have an undo, very much a contrast to Live TV… you screw up.. well, thats not an option. Computers always have the nifty UNDO button.

If anyone can tell me when the gravitational pull between two planets, or the integral of fsafiahfhsag has any relation to computer engineering, please let me know!

Rush might be next week… no frats for me.

God this system is frustrating me. If anyone out there has an “in” in the journalism field for a “kid” with 4 years experience working with mostly morons and no actual training or degree; please contact me ASAP.

I want to double major in Journalism. Why? Because computer will pay for living… I can get a job and make some money as an engineer.. how much money.. who cares? Making it as a journalist is a much harder thing to do.. so I didn’t try. Did i screw up? Probably… RPI doesn’t do double majors cross departments.. at least not easily.. I’d have to be here for another 2-3 years i figured… and I’m not even sure they have real “Journalism”

Well, that the story of my life.. actually.. I have another story thats been frustrating me.. but theres nothing I can do about it at all. I just have to life with it, for the rest of my life.. and I mean that.. literally.

Time for something else…

Who turned the heat on in these dorms?

Is this a cry for help?

I think it might be… what do I know

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