Where I don't care what others think

Eagle Speech

November 20th, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

I’ve been thinking about the topic of this speech since early last spring, before I had actually completed the project. It was a Sunday morning, around 9:30 and I had just gotten up to get ready for mass at 11. Waking up at 9:30 meant I was running late, I had been out late the night before with some friends and slept in later than normal. I stumbled downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I usually lean towards something simple like oatmeal or toast but today was different; there was pancake mix on the counter. For some reason I felt obligated to cook it, something I had never done before.

When you’re out camping, cooking is always a big deal. Food is being prepared for a patrol or troop so more than just your individual hunger is on the line. I’ve cooked pancakes, or attempted to, a few times during my scouting career. Something usually goes wrong… the fire is either too hot, not hot enough or the stove itself is actually on fire.

This home experience was going to put what scouting had taught me to a test. My first thought was how do I get this thing heating up; when you’re camping, there are usually two settings for cooking heat, on or off. On stovetop at home there were eight different positions for the dial to be on, the pancake mix box did not offer any advice so I guessed number 4. I remembered to wait until the water sizzled when I sprinkled some on. I poured a decent size pancake on and got cooking.

At this point, I had figured out the meaning of scouting. The rest of the cooking experience doesn’t matter much at all. I understand it may not be apparent to most of you, so I will try to help you understand to the best of my ability.

I have been involved in scouting longer than I can remember, since I was Cub Scout in Mosier School. The Cub Scout program passed me off to boy scouts where I was interested in this thing called “camping.” As a new scout, you are expected to listen, watch, learn, and help to the best of your ability. I tried to follow what was going on, and pretend to understand. I can still remember the first people I met in the troop. It was not Mr. Roberts, it was not the Senior Patrol leader, it was Mr. Boissionault. I remember him walking over to me in the first meeting, introducing himself, and talking to me. Probably the first friend scouting had made me.

A few years later, I was invited and attended Junior Leadership Training (JLT) where I spent a week learning leadership skills from other scouts around the council. After attending the weeklong program, I was invited to serve on staff, which I did for two years. Involvement with that program has taught me the most about leadership to date. The skills taught are specific to scouting, but I found ways that I could apply similar practices to my school activities like the Tiger Times. Ask any Tiger Times alumni and they can probably tell you how annoying “Start, Stop, Continue” got, or how seemingly useless my presentation on Conflict Resolution was.

As I progressed through the “ranks,” I became scribe, patrol leader, guide, communications liaison, and finally senior patrol leader. Senior Patrol leader proved to be my most challenging job in scouts. Not only did I have no clue what I was doing, but also everyone was looking to me under the assumption I knew what I was going on. There was a very quick learning curve, a meeting, or two with Mr. Roberts and I ran my first PLC.

Let me backtrack for a second, for those of you unfamiliar with scouting, the Senior Patrol Leader is in charge of just about everything, from planning activities and meetings to organizing patrols and troop leadership. As Senior Patrol Leader, I worked very closely with Mr. Roberts to make events run smoothly. His guidance, insight, and scoutmasters minutes are something I look forward to, not timing them on a watch like most scouts.

How does this all tie back to the simple pancake, I really cannot explain it and it might not be meant to be understood. Nevertheless, the pancake came out good, a little thick, maybe a little overdone, but it was tasty with some syrup.

Now to the part of the speech I like to call “Thank you.” Let me say that I would like to thank more people than I’ll have time for so if I miss you I do not mean to, see me afterwards for a more personal thanks.

I’d like to start off by thanking my friends and family for always supporting me. Mom was always there telling me I’m going to need a winter coat in April (and one time I did) and Dad was always there to wake me up early and drive me wherever I need. My brother Kevin has always put up with my last minute needs to use the computer on a Monday or Wednesday night and my girlfriend Katie has been there to support me and help me and accept the fact I was busy every Wednesday.

I’d like to thank Dan Faille and Dan Sullivan for being role models to me, through their leadership, dedication and commitment to scouting, and activities outside scouting.

I’d like to thank the faculty and staff at South Hadley High School for teaching me more than I could ever use and giving me knowledge I continue to use in college.

I’d like to thank the Tiger Times and the South Hadley Community Access Station for giving me continual practice with leadership and problem solving with a deadline.

There are a few scouters I would like to specifically thank for their support during my active scouting career.

Mr. Boissionault, you were the first scouter I remember meeting and are always there to look out for the little guy. You have also opened you living room and given countless hours of your time to me and fellow AAD and Pope Pius 12 students.

Mr. Noel, thank you for introducing me to model airplanes; a hobby I’ve continued outside of scouting. Thank you for signing off the Outdoor code even though I messed up the middle part and thank you for reminding me to get those merit badge requirements done and handed in a timely fashion.

Mr. Regan, I remember being a young scout in the troop and having to hassle with a gear sign in/sign out system. As senior patrol leader, I recognized that system has an attempt at bringing order to the quartermaster position and troop trailer. I looked up to idea of bringing order do a disorderly environment as you did and continue to do to the trailer.

A speech would not be worth delivering if it did not include Mr. Roberts. Working towards my eagle scout rank and as I served as Senior Patrol Leader, I had the honor to work extremely close with one of the most talented people I have met. As Senior Patrol Leader during two rather difficult summer camps, Mr. Roberts was always committed to making the program valuable for every scout. He would spare no expense to make sure each scout and leader was having the best time possible. Mr. Roberts has mentored me through my eagle project, my year as Senior Patrol Leader, and my life. Thank you.

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Happy Thanksgiving

November 20th, 2006 Posted in Life | No Comments »

Well it will be a very short week here at RPI, I’ll be home soon which will be a very pleasent change. Its starting to get very boring very quickly up here, as in sitting here for the past 5.5 hours has already exhausted my todo list. So.. I think… and do little things… mostly just thinking.

I finally got around to opening the Tiger Times Story again. That 1.5 hour beast is the result a spring of work. I spent a good amount of time relinking media that had been “moved” on the external drive. My 250gb is almost full so I’ll get more for Christmas. I’d like a terrabyte, just because it sounds cool.. and deleting is overrated. If google can keep all my emails, why can’t I keep all my files? Unfortunately I’m not sure if there is an effective way to link 4-5 external firewire/usb drives together to simulate one. I’m looking into a RAID approach… but back on track. After I relinked everything I decided to start exporting. I want the ending of the video to be online, probably hosted in flv format by myself on one of the machines I have access to. The music…. well I didn’t write it… so I can’t publically distribute it.. not like that would usually stop me. But I must say its probably the most powerful 5 minutes of video I’ve made. I’ll make sure to provide a link. Of course it really only makes sense if you’ve been there in the Tiger Times.

I’d also like to put all 1.5 hours online but who will host it… I know google will but they take several years to upload. I export uncompressed because me and MPEG’s aren’t friends yet. Maybe I’ll try again soo.

So Premiere is exporting the ending.. it has to reconform everything so the audio normalization is right.. i think… I’ll be waiting a while.

One of my projects I’ve been working on since I got here is just about finished. It should be debuted later this week and I hope I’ve gotten all the bugs worked out.

I’m looking into MediaWiki but it dislikes PHP 4. My other software I use for Document Management requires PHP 4 so I’m stuck.. I might look into rewriting the apache configuration file but I just don’t feel like doing too much work.

Like CS… Malik gives us problems that aren’t too hard but just take time.. I get bored after the first 6.

My webcam is misbehaving, I told it to fix itself all weekend but it fell over or something.. I now have bars thumbtaked up.. I hope it can repair its colors this time.

I just completely lost my train of thought. I’ll be in the media studio on Wednesday and maybe Tuesday so yea.. I’m not sure what I should be thinking.. scared of breaking down? I might go british and confuse the freshmen who clearly don’t know who I am. I’m excited if I do that and the upperclassmen play along.

If I had a couple hundred dollars… I would buy and xbox 360 and play halo…. I would buy some basic stamps/breadboard and servo motors and give Furby the ability to go places. I got a few “gifts” from my eagle ceremony. I’ll post the speech after I post this… thank you for the gifts by the way. Thank you cards are coming. But I know I should saveup the gifts to spend on “weekend expenses” and christmas presents.

Lol.. Premiere is making my External drive go so fast the clicks are now a constant buzz… lol.

Hopefully I’ll be talking will some people back at SHHS and lining up work for X-Mas break at the school (or at my dads office if the school won’t take me) and seeking a few machines. Tiger Times will need one and another group would be benefited by a cluster.

I will practice getting up early this week, the only disadvantage is there is no food when I’d like some at 6:15. I would like to wakup at 5:45, shower, get dressed, etc, and eat at 6:15.. of course my entire plan must base itself around the fact food doesn’t open until 7:30. Ugh a 1.25 hour offset.

40 mins of laser tag was sweet.

Premiere is slow.

Sometimes I have some wierd thoughts, I will work on blogging them.

I’m bored now.

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Coke / Withdrawl

November 15th, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Hello. This blog will be scattered as ususal. Lets drop right into the thick of it.

I’m listening to Virgin UK on myTunes right now, its a cool British station I listen to when I want to hear some different music and improve my accent at the same time. They were playing a Cold Play song and I heard a wierd beat coming in from the back, it sounded like Green Day’s Time of Your Life. It turned out to be a slow fade to Green Day (is that one word or two?) and I instantly started counting down.

For anyone less familiar with what I do, I count down songs and “conduct” them. Its a skill I developed as a director and something I do when I feel like it.

As I was saying I was counting down and hit the mark when the lyrics start, a good job considering I’ve counted this song maybe two or three times before in my life. I started “singing” along to the song because I’m familiar with the lyrics and my roomate is at CS. (I put singing in quotes because its very very bad singing) And my eyes started to pulse and I could feel a spout of depression and sadness come over me.

In the ending of the Tiger Times Story, I used Green Day’s “Closing Time” because I know “Time of Your Life” is generally used a lot at graduation and I need to be different. They both carry similiar messages. For me, I had the Time of My Life in the Tiger Times. I never considered it a club, I would call it more of a job, duty, or passion. For me I never knew, or gave any thought to me minus the Tiger Times. What would I have if there was that void in me? I think it would be a pretty darn huge void.

Tiger Times has done more for me than taught me how to make an S-Video breakout cable or Chroma Key. Tiger Times allowed me to make new “friends” in High School, gave me an outlet where I could open up and be not so shy and more the way I like to be. Tiger Times introduced me to my first and only girlfriend, Ms. Katie. Tiger Times ended up getting me my first job and first domain name.

All this thinking puts me in a very sad and sorry state, thinking there are kids right now in the High School putting together a show for tomorrow and I’m sitting here starring at a Computer Science project.

I didn’t mind graduating High School, I passed my classes just find, but I do mind giving up something that means a lot to me. No, not as much as Katie, but something that’s up there on the list of important stuffs to me.

Maybe I’m having directing withdrawl. When I was counting down the end of Green Day I know I cracked my back when I twisted it.. definatly a sign I’ve been waiting far to long to do that. I dislike challenging myself with IEA instead of media studio problems. Things I try hard on are things that I care about, IEA is not. Give me a video mixer and tell me to make it work and I will.

The semester here is almost done and I have tons on my mind. I know I’m not content with my level of involvement. Ideally I’d like to be able to be in SH daily from 2:00 – 3:30 where I could *dare I say* serve as Tiger Times advisor. Of course that would be a lot of driving or something, an operational impossibility. Not only would that satisfy my Tiger Times void but it would help to satisfy my desire for Katie when I’m very far away.

RPI TV is holding elections soon, and unless someone pulls the rug out from under me I think I’ll run for something. My current calculations say that there are three to four people that are not freshmen and active in the group… or at least active enough to currently be an officer. I don’t want to outstep any of them because I know they’ve been involved in the group more than me. Where to run, where to run…. I have a few ideas in mind, but they all depend where other people run. I could start low on the totem pole and do something like News Manager or a “Manager” of some type, or i could jump up and try for a VP position if no one was running. I think if I was VP of Programming I would approach the entire show concept differently, I would push shows out faster than the dismal rate of current. I’m very disappointed to see one news show per semester. I would also make a push for different content distribution. My theory is… WRPI is something that the “administration” of RPI (senate, E-Board, etc) is concerned with because they have a broad spectrum of listeners. Would this loose “sales” of show copies? Well I say lower prices and only sell on DVD. It can be done for us through an online company = less work for us. Just upload ISO and images.

I think RPI TV isn’t watched very much, I’d be willing to bet money on that… but if somehow it’s opened to a larger community it might grow. A larger community = attention of adminstration = chances of larger budget = studio. My one restrictions is weekend. Weekends for me are when I break from RPI and do non-RPI stuffs, and I wouldn’t want to serve in a role I can’t fill completely because of that. I have until Dec 5 to decide.
The other thought is web stuff. I’m still very much interested in my club I mentioned in my previous blog, but if that can’t happen I might see if theres anywhere else I can extend what I know.

When I got sad after hearing closing time I knew I needed a coke. While directing in the Tiger Times I needed some form of caffinated beverage to get the job done. After a long day at school I was tired and I had to run around like a chicken with its head cut off from 2:00-3:30 so I would drink coke, sometimes ice tea. If I don’t drink a coke (or a pepsi.. but thats nasty) I get a major headache by dinner time. I think I’m addicted. I don’t care.

All in all I don’t know what to do. I just felt I should share so that.. well I dunno why I write but I do. Now everyone who wants to, and can type the web address and read can know my story. I need to go start encoding.. time to get the Tiger Times Story online.

And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we’ll find better days
Cuz I don’t need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we’ll find better days

So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight’s the night the world begins again

And it’s someplace simple where we could live
And something only you can give
And thats faith and trust and peace while we’re alive
And the one poor child that saved this world
And there’s 10 million more who probably could
If we all just stopped and said a prayer for them

So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight’s the night the world begins again

I wish everyone was loved tonight
And somehow stop this endless fight
Just a chance that maybe we’ll find better days

So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight’s the night the world begins again
Cuz tonight’s the night the world begins again

When will tonight start?

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