Where I don't care what others think


January 9th, 2007 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

I’m watching Rachel Ray right now, its quite an interesting episode. I actually think its very cruel what they are doing. Rachel brought a 38-year old woman to the show who had been dating two guys off and on for a while. Rachel’s wonderful idea was to have each of the guys cook, the winner would take their relationship further with the girl.

All that aside, I was extremely extremely frustrated this morning right before and during my shower. I found myself incrediably frustrated at my hair, I’ve allowed it to grow beyond the point where I can control it. I’m OK with long hair on the top of my head, but I like the back of my hair to be as clean as it can. I can’t see what its like back there, so I rely on the hair’s self-positioning system to auto-groom itself. I know I look very bad with a short haircut, so I’ve been trying to put it off with Cotillion coming up on Saturday. I’m still wondering what to do with the back of my head. Maybe I should go in and ask them to clean up the back of my head only… then again its the barbar shop.. they tend to not follow directions very well.

I think it would be cool if all decisions could be effectively made for me. I tend to make the wrong decisions, not effectively evaluating all the possibilities and forgetting one factor or another. Rash decisions are bad, there should be a default wait period of at least 5 minutes from ask to answer, giving me time to think about it and make sure I’m not missing anything

Followthrough needed

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Happy New Year

January 5th, 2007 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Its now 2007 which logically means 2006 is done. Maybe sometime I’ll recap the last year. Right now I’m hanging out, there are lots of things I could be doing and probably should be doing. Being on break it wierd, I’d rather be working somewhere but that isn’t happening so I’ve tried to give myself my own work and todo list. For some reason doing things that I assign myself simply isn’t as motivating as doing things that others assign me. I’ve tried to trick myself into thinking they are being assigned to me but the motivation simply doesn’t exist.

On a different page, I’m now a ChaCha guide. You should check out the site, www.chacha.com, they use an interesting approach to searching, having a guide do the work for you. Its a lot like using the Library and going to a librarian.

Speaking of Library I feel like getting a book, I actually feel like getting a lot of things.

I’d like to acquire a server, dedicated or VPS would be nice. Unfortunately I don’t want to spend more than $5 a month. Yea, I’m cheap.. but I like paying my $2 a month for JNL.. too bad they don’t let me do any command line stuff or installations or even have more than 2 MYSQL databases.

Of course there’s always the server hosted at my friends house, but thats undergoing a very slow upgrade process.

I’m trying to do this server thing because of my latest project. Just like BriSpace was a clone of MySpace…BriSpace will now become a YouTube clone. Well, I plan on doing things differently. The trick is tho, the server. I can’t use php to upload the videos because the max filesize is wayy to low, so I’ll need a server where I can set that filesize or not fill my harddrive quota. I’ve got some interesting ideas, you should check them out at http://www.brispace.net

Of course I’m also working on the Message Board, I’m close and I have a few features left to go, primarily the features that make the entire thing function.

Katies Birthday is next Tuesday. I’m very excited. I messed up her birthday last year, so I’m going to try and improve on it this year. I have a bunch of ideas for her, and I’ve decided I would have a whole lot more ideas if all stores had “self checkout”. And I’m too late to buy online, which stinks because I had a few totally AWSOME plans. I guess there’s always Valentines day, or random gifts. Hrm. I think I’m going to go shopping. I have a gift idea or two in mind. Off to the mall..

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Merry Christmas

December 27th, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Well its a few days after christmas… like 2… and my brothers birthday was yesterday. Everything is finally done until New Years, so its time to relax a little bit. I guess I’ll recap the holidays, and the end of the first semester for me at RPI.

Kevin Birthday:

Yesterday Kevin turned 17! We sang Happy Birthday on Christmas Eve when there was a large crowd over here… to celebrate his birthday Katie and I took Kevin out and tried to do stuff that was semi-fun. For presents, he got an ipod clock radio from my parents, and DDR for the Xbox from me. Everyone else gave him money. So… we went out the the mall where we bought another DDR pad so two people could play. I’m excited to play DDR online with Xbox live.. I’m not very good at it but Kevin and Katie can rock the pads. We also watched Silent Hill, it was pretty scarry, but even more confusing. I didn’t understand a lot of the transitions, apparently its based on a game though, wierd game. For dinner we got take out. Potato Pizza for Kevin, Fish and Chips for Katie, and Meatball Grinder for me.


I got a few gifts on Christmas.. not a ton.. but thats what I figured. My parents are always bad at shopping for me, all they really have to do is stop into Best Buy and find anything in the computer section, or even maybe the DaVinci Code DVD. Nope, I got: A pillow, 512mb USB Key, Box of Goldfish crackers, Box of Reeses, and a few gift cards. Kevin got me a small bamboo plant and some scarry peacock feathers.
Kevin got a new Ipod, Ipod Case, about 800 snacks, a 512mb USB Key, and a few gift cards.

After going to 10:30 mass, I got together with Katie. Her parents got me a new Furby, Hersheys Kiss, British Cracker, and Pirates of the Carribean watch. Very kind of them! I went over to Katie’s Aunt’s house for some food, there are some interesting relatives. Ebony is a neat dog. The mashed potatoes were very tasty and so was the ham!

Later that day I got Katie’s gifts. She got me some pretty cool stuff, headphones that i despeately needed, an ‘ecosphere’… i.e small fish in a water globe, a sleeping mask, and a few other things.

Christmas Eve:

My dad’s side of the family came over and we ate the traditional polish food… I can’t spell it so I won’t try. For gifts I got a microwave. We already have one in the dorm and I don’t have the receipt so it will stay in the box until I need a microwave.


Course Title Final Grade Quality Points










Attempted Earned GPA Hours Quality Points GPA






I did well.

Overall my favorite gifts were from Katie and Kevin. I liked the ecosphere and bamboo a lot. Lets just hope I can keep them both alive.

I haven’t gotten nearly as much done as I need to for CHSBA and the message board and the new Brispace…. there just isn’t enough time!

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