Where I don't care what others think

Vista/Office 2007

January 29th, 2007 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

As you may or may not know, Microsoft Vista and Office 2007 will be released to the public tomorrow, January 30. Being a computer person, I’m interested. I feel the need to be on the cutting edge so I can be best prepared to help anyone, get the job done, support the latest technology.

My current goal is to figure out how to upgrade. There are tons of different versions of both Vista and Office and how am I to choose? Clearly if money wasn’t an object I would get the most expensive version of each. This is not the case. Now if RPI was a member of MSDNAA we could all get copies for free/very very cheap. Of course we aren’t so I have to shell out some money… a lot of money to be exact.

I think I’ll be looking at one copy of vista, probably for my laptop, and two copies of office, for my laptop and my shoebox computer as well. Of course the home computers will also have to be upgraded….

Overall its a lot of money, no matter how you cut it.

I made a diagram to help me figure it out… any ideas anyone?

Vista_Office [PDF]

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January 28th, 2007 Posted in Life, Problems | No Comments »

Thats an acronym… while EOY stands for End of Year.. EOW stands for End Of World. While the world may end several ways, there are a lot of ways the world could end, I’m concerned with a few in peticular, where I’m still alive, but the world as we know it is significantly different.

I can think of a few situations but for this blog lets say an EMP attack. An EMP, or electro magnetic pulse, is a weapon that makes most electronic equiptment inoperable. By most equiptment, think of just about anything that plugs in how adays. I think hair dryers and power tools might be the only operable equiptment, but then again the power grid would be out. Why should I care? Well the attack wouldn’t require a significant “explosion” it would be more like a pulse.. you as a person wouldn’t notice.. just presto.. all the electronics turn off.


Thats the exact thing you don’t want to do. Panic is bad, you should prepare before hand. So, my plan is to prepare now; or as soon to now as I can.

Most of the world would be severly devastated or hampered.. all those plugged in electronics not working. Personally I would be like uhhh yea.

What would I throw together? First off, things need to be in a backpack so they’re portable and easy to carry with me. Only one backpack and my pants pockets.


Water, since size and space is an issue water is a commodity. I would probably have 2 water bottles, both slightly salted to prevent freezing. Not enought water to do much, but just enough to last until I can find more.

Food, by that I mean energy bars or something like that. Most likely 5 or something like that.. they will get crushed and mashed up I’m sure.

First Aid, will probably be needed at some point during whatever I’m doing. I’ll need some tape, gauss, pills, alcoholic swabs, tape, gauss. I think I can work with that.

Navigational, hrm… Me and a compass where never best friends. I would like to have my PDA or a GPS device, but I’m not sure if I can risk that with some complicated attack. So I think I’d need a compass, and probably some maps… hrm.. this sounds unlucky already. The thought is that roads will be inoperable or if they are working there will be mass panic.

Warmth, regardless of the temperature one will need to keep warm. Hrm.. I’d wear some warm clothes, and probably pack a turtleneck and socks. I’d wear my winter coat, but be prepared to beak it down as needed. Hat duh!

I think my backpack is getting about full, throw in a picture or two and I’d call it a day.

Well if a nationwide disaster occured while I was at college here in Troy, my first thought would be to get out of here. For all intesive purposes I’m assuming cars are a no go. Maybe I can steal someones bike… I would head to Western Mass, sure… there are some rivers in the way.. but there aren’t any Mississippi Rivers or Oceans.

I would stay off the roads as much as possible, if I was a bad guy thats where I would be.. on the road. My first step would be out of the city, I don’t think it really mattered where.. as long as it was away from the crowds. I would wonder though, I know there are lots of people from Western Mass, would others be trying something similiar? If so should I join the group or travel alone.. maybe a small group?

I have the picture in my mind of the recent Tom Cruise movie War of the Worlds. But it would be more like War of the Worlds With a Backpack.

Not to be a worry wart, but I’m feeling like building a fallout shelter, with walls lined with tin foil…… I think I’ll start digging a hole this summer.

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Night 2 & Site Popularity

January 26th, 2007 Posted in Life | No Comments »

Well tonight is night 2 of the Musical at SHHS, respectfully my sadness has been squared, I am feeling very lonely and lazy and blah. I could really go for some Tostitos and Salsa at the moment, I have neither. I know the vending machine sells Tostitos and cheese sause but I question what will be inside the package. Wow its very late. I just looked at my clock and it reads 10:25 (10 mins fast). Why is tonight going by in such wierd intervals? It seems like just a minute ago I was talking with Katie at intermission at 8:30.

I did make some development on Brispace.net today. Aside from the homepage,which now uses css and ajax.. I researched some technology that should let me do what I need to do. Of course its Windows only.. and this is after I’ve just ported my last public server to Linux! Ugh. I think I’ll turn on a box I have in my basement at home and have it do the work.. maybe. My brother is a heavy gamer so I can’t steal too much bandwidth.. maybe I can host it here at RPI. I’ll have to look into a solution, I think I need a fancier router with 2 WAN ports though.

I watched “The Gaurdian” tonight, it was a pretty good movie. I’m in the mood to watch “The Truman Show”.. too bad I didn’t have it.

Well I’m lazy, there are three or four websites that need my work but I’ll keep them deprived for now.

Speaking of deprived websites, one of my websites has gotten popular fast… https://brian.brispace.net/Thermite is now a hit.. January 9 the hits started to climb, its gotten like 1000 hits in the past two weeks. Ahh. No wonder my bandwidth report is up. That sites was created using the awful program “iWeb” for the Mac of course. They use graphics for every single inch, so changing the site is impossible to edit. To bad, I would make some links to my other sites.

Well Brian Michalski on google is the real Brian Michalski, of course the second link talks about me nominating myself, not something I’d like to work to see exactly.. grrr

Time to work ChaCha for lack of anything else to do.

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