Where I don't care what others think

Yesterdays News

March 30th, 2007 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Yesterday was a very busy day, if you haven’t heard by now there was a death at RPI, someone comitted suicide by going over the railing of the 9th floor of the CII, they landed between the 4th and 5th floors. The individual sustained massive head trauma, and on first inspection it appeared to be some type of gun shot wound, swat teams from the area locked down the campus. RPI TV sprung into whatever form of action we have and got busy.

Of course all our equiptment was in the locked down area so we really couldn’t do much of anything with that, luckily we had a few bits and pieces around we were able to pull together.

We set up the “News Center” in Andy Clarks room which doesn’t have any cell service for me, wierd huh?

Technically I’m the “News Manager” for RPI TV, which means I’m suppose to be incharge of newslike things but I’ve found that to rarely happen, it seems the people incharge are those who take charge not those who are appointed incharge.

My role was done by 8:30pm last night when I was able to call my dad and let my parents know I was ok, of course mom had to call back to make sure. And I was able to call Katie and attempt to brief her on the situation that had gone on the entire day.

This blog isn’t going anywhere now, and I think I have laundry to do. Hopefully RPI TV can get the show up today, if we can’t I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to do and form of semi-real news. For updates, check: http://rpitv.union.rpi.edu/news.php?newsid=5

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Senate Webiage

March 27th, 2007 Posted in Problems | 1 Comment »

Another posting of technical rantings.

I recently was given an overview of the student senate’s web services and servers. The servers themselves are very adequate and function but the network they run on is just not. Its not just the senate specifically, the whole campus network isn’t ideal. See other posts regarding the whole VPN deal.

As I understand it, all 5 of the senate servers connect into a gigabyte switch which connects into one 10Mbps line in the wall. Yuck. Voip, web, ftp, and soon to be digitial signage will all be driven by one 10Mbps jack. Given the load on any of these services isn’t huge, the big one being VOIP, I still see it as a hinderance. As I was made aware the SGS is broken up into several different network layers/subnets which adds more awfulness to the setup.

My ideas? Go multi-wan. Find an even older machine and fill it up with ethernet nics, and then run one nic to the switch and the rest to the various wall drops/wans. Sure, there might be some issues from .CIO’s end, but the more bandwidth the merrier. The last thing I want is to not be able to ftp because 2 people are placing a voip call.. or even my ftp kills their voip.

I’ve been chatting with MS tech support for the past hour or so trying to beat Vista into working.. so far no luck but “Terry” is trying. Just give me the hotfix.. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/931770

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Blogging from Vista

March 25th, 2007 Posted in Life | 1 Comment »

I continue my blogging efforts from my laptop tonight, why? I don’t know. It was in “Sleep” mode the majority of the day and I wanted to take it out and shut it down before I went to bed.

As if I was a Tech writer: Vista contunes to struggle to keep up with my tasks. It dislikes a lot of everything, specifically wifi and the VPN. Besides that my only complaint may need to be directed at Len….well IBM… as the power button does not always seem to actually provide power to the system when in “Sleep”. I’ve come to the official conclusion RPI’s VPN based Wireless authentication system is dumb, and using 802.1x PEAP-GTC as a secondary system is almost as stupid. The concept of a VPN was to allow external users like traveling salespeople or those working from home to connect into the internal company network, not allow those at the company to connect into the company network. As for the 802.1x mess, RPI uses a protocol not built into Windows and not something publically available. If I was unable to use the VPN.. wait, I can’t use the VPN!, I would have a hard time connecting because this GTC authenication is only offered through drivers/connection software made my Cisco Certified people… in short.. no one who has Vista. If I were incharge I would push for Mac address authentication or something a little closer to real access points where you’re presented a nice webpage to login with,, not this garbage.

RPI got some Vista lisences with Office 2007, of course I wanted to snatch them up. Of course I was too late.. I got there about and hour late, all gone. Grr. MSDNAA plz!

Off the Vista front, tomorrow I have a Psych test. I dislike Psych, I see it as rather useless and not helpful. Which may relate to why I’m not very good at it.

I had a pleasent weekend. Maple sugar is very sweet and sugary. The weather was nice out. I realized I remember some events much more than others, like some weekends or nights I can vivid remember adventures at McDonalds but others, I can’t seem to remember anything at all. I wish I could remember more, if it was feasabile I would record it all, but my short term memory is limited to 2 items, (the normal person is good for 7 +/-2) so I could never recall it all for documentation, I’d need a video camera or something… and lots of hard drives.

Speaking of hard drives, still no sign of summer work. I’m waiting on Google’s Summer of Code project, as well as the Elms College to get back to me. I may look into applying at Westover as a Civilian.. don’t worry.. just computers for me. And if all that fails, then to Best Buy/Circuit City/Comp Usa… I hate those godawful places. I wouldn’t be opposed to work at SHHS if offered… I know I should “move on” but I don’t see Customer Sales/Service as moving on much. Well there goes that plan, I just looked at Westover. They want a “Computer Clerk”, someone to type notes up.. thats not me.

I’m going to go to bed to charge up for the test tomorrow, I hope they have a plain bagel out for me.


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