Where I don't care what others think

Results para 3

April 19th, 2007 Posted in College, Life | 1 Comment »

I think think serves as the last of my reults series, at least for now. I’ll be reporting on the results of housing selection for this year, and anything else I feel like.

Sunday was time to select housing for next year, having a bad number (see results para 1) I had to go at 4:00pm, pretty close to the end of the housing selection process. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I tried to figure it out. Downstairs they had maps of “available rooms”, but “available” I mean they were not kept up to date and presented many more rooms as available than actually were. I found three rooms that were suitable, 2 singles for males in BarH and one double, incase the two singles were full of course.

Apparently your actual number doesn’t have very much to do with the selection, its more your number block. I could have had any number between 460 and 470 and gone at the same time. That really removed the variation in the process, I would have thought having number 466 meant I could choose a room before 467 but that wasn’t the case. If you apply similiar logic to the around 650 numbers, it really reduced to 65-80 groups of housing selectees. This is intriguing, I’m not sure what it means.. but it means something.

Right, back to the actual process. I went up with the “block” of numbers and of course there were no good rooms left, the two singles didn’t exist and seemingly hadn’t for a long time. There were few “acceptable” rooms left, by acceptable I mean on campus and close to dining facilities. None of them were a single. So, I used backup plan number.. well I don’t know the number, and choose a random double in BarH. I don’t remember the number, but it was a rather embarassing process. The person incharge of the BarH table appeared to have never had a single person open a double before, they had to go check with administrators, make special notes on the map, etc etc. I felt like a loser, and a rather large one at that.

Who knows what will happen, I will update as I find out more.

But this also raises questions regarding next years room selection process. I could use the “intra-hall” thing to try to get a single located elsewhere in BarH, but thats really not my ideal situation. I would really prefer a single in the Quad, somewhere close to everything but that requires the All Campus process, a risk I’m not sure I want to take. I may pull out some statistics and see what I can do this summer, maybe some p-values or something like that. I’ll have to find my notes.

Onto bigger and better things.. well, I don’t know bigger or better. Today is the last Differential Equations test, I hope I do decent on it. If I do well I might not take the final, its optional. The material is tricky, and the equations are all very similiar with little differences. Of course my biggest point loss will probably occur at the integration by parts step(s).

I should go look over some more notes. Luck will be needed, but I probably don’t have any.

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Results para 2

April 14th, 2007 Posted in Life, Mistakes | 1 Comment »

Hello. This week has been a pretty darn awful week. I just turned in my computer science, which is done very poorly and doesn’t work for all cases. I don’t like re-writing code someone has already written, if I wanted to that I would become a secretary or a typist. I’ve done fairly well on all the others so I can probably take a slight hit, who knows.

I also didn’t get accepted to Google Summer of Code. Bummer. I only submitted one application, because I think people shouldn’t cheat and try for lots of different things. I applied to overhaul the Geeklog installer, a system written in php. I don’t know why I didn’t get accepted, but they only read my full application once. Pretty lame huh? You can read it here if you want, its probably garbage thought. http://www.rpi.edu/~michab3/gsoc.htm

That pretty much ruined the later half of the week for me. I got Diff Eq done on time, and now I have a few projects looming over my head, a civil war map needs to be done up in HTML/Google Maps. Digitial Signage needs some severe coding, and somewhere there are servers looking for help. Whoa is me.

In other news, Katie checked out Emerson today. I think its her new boyfriend. Of course the school is much better than RPI, they have elevators with scales and policemen and all sorts of fancy goodies. We have.. umm.. the XL2?

Time to move on to something else.


Oh yea, you can hire me for work this summer if you want. I’ll do things

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Results para 1

April 9th, 2007 Posted in College, Life, Mistakes, Problems | No Comments »

Well the results from the Reslife Lottery is in, and I’m not on the top 100, top 200, top 200, 300 or 400. I am number 466, which means that just about everyone gets to pick a room before me. To give you a perspective on how this lays out, the first numbers get to pick at 9:30am. My lottery number picks at 4:00pm. The last lottery numbers go at 6:00pm, if there are any left. And this schedule doesn’t include a lunch break or any kind of pause. I guess my hopes of a single can be flushed down the toilet… I dont’t know what I should do or what will happen. Chances are I will pick a random double or something like that. I’m not sure if the system is “rigged” yet, there are certainly lots of variables that could be put into place here. If I had last years numbers a correlation might be easier to draw, unfortunately I don’t know where to get them. I was hoping to get a good number this year so I could get a single and keep it for the next 3 years, it would have made life much easier.. but noo.. I’ll have to wait until next year to try for that I guess. If, that is.. I figure out how to actually get a good number. Yes, I’m feeling pessimisitic in this area.

Speaking of areas, my grades are officially on my mind. I’ve never been a “numbers” person, I don’t calculate GPA on a weekly basis or calculate what I need on a test or anything like that, I think knowledege is whats important. I certainly need to get some more knowledge in a few subjects, specifically most of them. Differential Equations and I have never been friends, there are weeks where I can beat it and weeks it beats me. The same applies to Discrete math. I completely messed up that test… I need to forumlate some kind of academic overhaul plan that I can implement within in the next 4 weeks to pull my grades up as much as possible. Some people say grades don’t matter, but to me they do. And even if they didn’t, It would be extra depressing to have both a bad lottery number and bad grades.

Last week I’ll blame everything on the plague, I should have gone to the health center and gotten them to tell me to stay out of class but a) I’ve never done that before and I tend to screw things up the first time and b) I like to stick it out. Not that sticking it out has ever actually done anything for me.

I have to go to Differential Equations and pretend to understand, maybe today he will make sense. Who knows, not me.

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