Where I don't care what others think


May 1st, 2007 Posted in College, Life | 1 Comment »

Today I think everyone that chatted with me started off their conversation with “hey”, personally I like to start off with something a little more formal like Hi or Hello. Note the capitalization, while I don’t practice perfect English online, I don’t speak ghetto.

My brother likes to speak decent English when he’s online, using punctuation and such, I think that punctuating my coversations because it adds too my rigidness, and I like some fluid in my conversations.

That was going nowhere fast, lets change gears. 2 days of official classes left at my first year here at RPI. Time certainly has flown by. I still don’t know where half of anything is, but the Google Maps version of Shuttle Tracking certainly helps provide reference points. I’ll be recapping more as I get on summer break, which still isn’t set in stone yet.

I have some RPI TV related plans, as I’ve decided the current status quo isn’t friendly with the Brian M status quo, maybe I can change it… I don’t know.

Digital Signage will continue on, apparently the institute is very interested in it, and wants to spend some money possibly. I still have to learn some AJAX in the process. Based on my last AJAX adventure with shuttle tracking, I learned it really wasn’t as magically as its hyped up to be.

Hrm, there was something I had thought of but it has just slipped my mind. Time to think extra hard about it.

Oh well, I’ve been busy securing all the servers I work on, a rash of hackers have been cause much frustration. Most of the attacks have been brute force attacks, but one seems it was directly compromised which worries me. Of course google refuses to accept its mail, for some reason I have no clue why. I’m going to have to continue poking at it to make it cooperate.

Saturday Katie helped me out with some RPI TV stuff, we filmed the Black Students Association “Star Awards” that went for a very long time. Katie did an extraordinary job running her camera, even tho it was uncomfortable up on the balcony. Props to her, whatever “props” are.

I have some emails to send regarding summer work, I’ll be back soon.

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April 23rd, 2007 Posted in College, Life | 1 Comment »

Before we get going let me show you the latest updates to my blog, its been a while since I changed the theme around and I was getting tired of red. Red really isn’t my color, I like blue. After upgrading the backend software I added some subtle plug-ins, making it easier to change the content on the right panel, and cleaning out some of the huge images. I had to cut the word association from the new version, but maybe it will be back soon. I’m also not a huge fan of the header image, if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them. Images aren’t my forte but I try to get Photoshop to do as I please.

Back to the issue of summer, I think summer hit me early this year; earlier than I was expecting. It was like bam, (the sound effect not my initials), here you are.. summer at RPI. I certainly wasn’t expecting to see all these people outside and everything, it almost reminded me of being here for NRB. I’m lucky I had my computer and was able to effectively hide in my room.

Today it was hot again, still unable to bring myself to wearing shorts I put on pants and a short sleeve button up collared shirt. I was very warm and felt like I was approaching fainting in Discrete, I kept drinking water and survived. Its cool in the dorm room, that is a pleasant feeling. I don’t feel like fainting at RPI, it seems like it would be a very unpleasant event.

This summer will certainly be an interesting one, I don’t know what it will bring but it certainly will be bringing something. The only way is to wait and see. Only a week and a half left of classes, ahh! The end is coming quickly, more quickly than I originally thought.

Its 11:00pm, I should be heading to bed.

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April 22nd, 2007 Posted in College | 2 Comments »

Summer seems to bring out different people here at RPI. I went home for the weekend, primarily to rent a Tuxedo for Katie’s prom. I like dressing fancy, maybe someday I’ll own a tux of my own. If I would it would be a black one, with a white shirt. No fancy colours or anything like that, I’m not friendly with colours.

Anyways, the weather has been very warm lately, in the 70’s all weekend, tomorrow is rumoured to peak 80. Well, the warm weather has broughten out a different type of people, everyone is dressed in bathing suits or summer clothes clearly bought at some popular store in a Mall, referencing non existant “Surf Shops” or various sports… all the signs of people I generally don’t get along to. It seems they have taken over the campus, filling the dining halls and the grass, playing with a hose and slip-and-slide and everything.

It reminds me of a large party going on. A party to which I am not invited, would not fit in at, nor really want to attend. I’ve always wondered what it feels like to be in a group of people like that, sure I’ve run my share of simulations but I can only simulate so far.

Everyone is also wearing flip-flops or sandals and and I’m not a big fan of seeing everyones feet.

This blog has lost my attention, I’ll revisit the subject later.