Where I don't care what others think

Movie Review

January 16th, 2008 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Hello. Over break I had the pleasure of enjoying 3 films: Juno, Superbad, and Sweeney Todd. Superbad was on DVD, the rest were in theaters, though I have seen Superbad in theaters. I payed 100% attention during these films, so you cannot attribute these reviews to me falling asleep or doing other things I happen to hate that some people do while watching movies. I am there so I am watching the movie. Oh yes, as a disclaimer.. I reserve the right to completely mess up the spelling of Sweeney Todd, even using McTodd or something like that. It just flows better for me.

I’ve actually taken notes to collect my thoughts, and while I was doing this, I found surprising similarities between Juno and Superbad, which one would expect. Both movies focus on teenage life, through the eyes of a teenager. Both movies has sex as a major component of the story line, however this component exists in two different states… Juno as a triggering event and Superbad as a desired event. I found both movies to be very singular, the stories were told from one point of view and that was that, but going beyond that, the characters in that point of view seemed to have little regard for everyone else. Superbad was clearly about Seth and Evan, Juno was about Juno. To be honest I left both theaters knowing who the characters were, but I couldn’t put a name to their faces.

Superbad took the stereotypical guy view and pushed it off the edge for me. Typically a ‘guy’ point of view involves ‘getting’ the girl. ‘Getting’ is generally left undefined, but I like to define it as establishing a relationship with that person. I know, this may be antiquated and outdate.. but I’m old like that. In Superbad, the ‘guy’ point of view was to participate in one thing and one thing only with that female. Sure, sometimes ‘getting’ the girl might imply that, but I believe it implies the potential for that, not a direct link like Superbad skipped right too. I have strong feelings against the mindset that was presented where these two boys, Seth moreso than Evan, were hoping to ‘establish’ these ‘relationships’ (if you would call them that) for the sole purpose of having someone to do things with for 2 months before they went off to college. Thats just dumb if you ask me. Back to the movie, and off Brian’s moral objections to it. The entire adult party scene that begins when Seth gets ran over is junk. It fits nowhere into the movie. It seems as if the writers had point A and C planned out, and the best they could think up for B was getting hit by a car by a wierd guy. Seriously. And another thing, the dynamic between Foggell and the two police officers was pushed way beyond funny, into desperately stupid, after the first encounter at the bar. Again an instance of A and C, lacking good content to fill in for B. Yes, everyone laughs at it… people laugh at funny stuff, not a nicely flowing storyline, which this movie lacks. I’ve heard people define Superbad as the movie of the modern generation, maybe like American Pie or Animal House might have been defining earlier generations. If this is the case our generation has been defined very poorly, by three modern say stooges who are only able to get away with their jokes through modern day references and colloquialisms.

Juno. Juno, Juno, Juno. Where to begin. First off I was optimistic about Juno. The movie had decent commercials, Michael Cera led me to believe he would be doing a good job, but then bam, another messup. I do like how Juno presents teenage pregnancy in an uplifting tone without being overly positive. While I the movie certainly won’t motivate everyone to go get pregnant, it does offer some hope if thats the positions you happen to be in. To be honest I didn’t mind the beginning of the movie, but I disliked the shift in focus of the movie. Sure, Juno enjoyed spending time at the adoptive parents place hanging out with that guy, but I wanted to see something besides that. I think it would have been more valuable to actually have the main focus of the plot be about Juno, not this guy and his wife’s martial woes. To me it feels as if the writers or whoever led this thing knew what they wanted to talk about it, but failed to jump deep enough, and when they got stuck they resorted to this backup plot about the adoptive parents. The movie failed to explain a lot of everything, while we saw several flashback scenes that were quite tasteful compared to Superbad, these flashbacks lacked words or valuable narrations. Yes I could figure out what was going on but no, I could not figure out what this meant in respect to the big picture. I enjoyed the family dynamics the movie captured, but I felt as if Juno’s friend dynamics were lacking. Clearly she had some interaction with that girl she was friends with and Bleeker (I used IMDB to find that name), but we weren’t exposed to them at all. Close, but no cigar.

Sweeney Todd is a horse of a different color.. specifically red. I don’t think I’ve seen such a bloody, gory movie, that has a plot and singing. I expected some blood and gore, but I didn’t expect it to be every single time someone sat down in his chair. And then when he cut them there wasn’t just a little blood, there was so much blood I was surprised it didn’t stain the camera lenses. At least Sweeney McTodd had a plot, which I guess was a little better than the first two movies. I felt as if they were trying to steer me away from watching the movie, making me fear the opening of any scene may start with someones neck getting slit and blood squirts everywhere.

On a positive note, I am excited for ‘Untraceable’ because its about the internet. Who doesn’t like movies about the internet?

Feel free to offer your opinions on the movies, I’m sure they would balance out mine.

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Back to School

January 14th, 2008 Posted in Life | 1 Comment »

So I’m back to RPI. I have my first class in a little under an hour. I might make this blog brief so I can leave extra early. Winter break is over clearly, and its my feeling that RPI’s winter break seems shorter than everyone elses. Yes, I did get home a week earlier than a lot of people, but thats just because I finished my finals early in the week…. there were kids around here for another week finishing up. If you ask me, making school start earlier and end later is part of RPI’s secret plan to look more academically rigorous. They can saw we have x weeks of classes, which is wayy more than you do. Again, this is dumb. The amount of time you spend learning doesn’t say how smart you are… more instructional time won’t solve this… its the quality of instruction that matters.

Today I have 2 classes, Physics 2 and Chemistry 1. I’m looking forward to neither of them, not because it is physics or chemistry, but because each of those classes involves some type of Lab/Activity. I dislike doing labs/activities because its not like we are being tested on our ability to perform a lab, we’re being testing on our ability to crunch the numbers we get from a lab. While hands on activities may help some kids learn, I don’t see them as useful. I don’t doubt theories I’m being taught, so I need no time to “prove” that they work. I think the bigger problem here is the social issues that arise in these interactive environments. I get very uneasy with the whole “find a partner” thing… generally because I don’t know anyone to be my partner. Thats why my secret plan is to leave early, and get their early.. therefore I can force people to choose to sit next to me, not the other way around. What will likely happen is simple. The room will slowly fill up until there are a few seats left, all of which are around me, and then.. after all other options are exhausted, someone will not choose, but be forced, to sit near me. Its not as if I carry an oder or am wearing weird overalls. I will bet money this is how it plays out, unless of course, someone in the class knows me from my limited involvement here. This is not very probable.

Break was short, as breaks always are. I’m hesitant to call it a vacation because I certain didn’t stop working. I was happy to debut two of my many projects, Quotes (a facebook application) and ViewTracker (a mac widget). ViewTracker got approved and is now listed in the Apple download directory. Softpedia also picked it up, and gave it the 100% clean award. I’m not sure if I should be happy that my software is clean, or sad that people actually write spyware into Widgets. I spent some time working on my consulting stuff, some of which I still have to finish up.

Oh yes.. an update on my bank book. So I previously reported I couldn’t find it. And that made sense, because mom had hidden it. Since I had withdrew $100 to buy some Christmas presents with, mom had immediately assumed I was planning on withdrawing $100 each week. Of course this was completely false, I was looking for my bankbook not to withdraw an sum of money at the moment, but instead to see how much I had made over the summer and how much I might be able to spend on something if I so desired. Mom made a big deal about it and how she felt she needed to guard over my money… I failed to make a big deal and just left the house… upset at my mom for hiding it.

Alas, I am now trying to stick to a tighter routine this semester. I am trying to go to sleep at 10:00 pm, after brushing my teeth and flossing. I will then try to awake around 7:15am to get an early start for the day.

I’ll talk to you later!

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Random Updates

January 8th, 2008 Posted in Life, Problems, Stupid People | 2 Comments »

This blog will lack order and structure, I have lots to say but also lots I should be doing. Who knows what I will actually get to writing about.

1. ViewTracker got Apple approved, check it out here: http://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/status/viewtracker.html. I think thats pretty neat. Apparently people have trouble figuring out how to click a little ‘i’ in the lower right hand corner and entering their username.. there are at least 15 people out there looking for a username ‘undefined’. Either that guy was really popular, and recently got his YouTube deleted, or there are 15 people out there lacking skill. I wonder what is more probable.

2. I just got a drink of apple juice. Strange because I found myself dehydrated after eating chocolate ice cream.

3. Someone may be well on their way to stealing my identity. This morning I went looking for my bank book, in the place we usually keep bank books. It wasn’t there. Grr. It didn’t seem that many other documents were missing, but I don’t know exactly whats there.. only that my bank book should be. I figure there can be a few options here:

a) I have misplaced my bank book. Not likely as I have checked the cars and I wouldn’t put it any other place except for where it belongs. If I have ‘lost’ it, Mom will likely freak out as if some massive sum of money was now lost forever and scream at me for loosing it and not being responsible and such and such.

b) Mom has hidden my bank book. I’m not 100% sure why, but she may be attempting to prevent me from withdrawing money from my account or seeing how much I have to prevent me from spending money. I could definitely see her doing this. Why? Because I have a strong feeling she is in a “you spent too much money on Christmas” this year mood because Amazon decided to charge my debit card 3 times for $50 instead of 1 time for $150. Mom will of course think I bought several secret items for Katie, valued at $50. Of course the reality is I bought everything for Mom, Dad, Kevin, and my Uncle in one large swoop at Amazon. I wouldn’t have told mom this because then she would know how much her gifts were. Lets keep the fact that her mp3 player only cost $30 our little secret.

c) Someone has stolen my bank book because they are dumb, and would like to go and get whatever small amount of money I keep in that bank. If they had broken into my house they certainly choose the wrong bank book.

In conclusion, I’m not sure what situation would be worse. The entire mom why are you hiding my bank book talk, or the brian-why-did-you-let-your-bank-book-leave-your-hand talk. I wish I could go online and see the status of my funds, but this bank lacks online skillz; and my parents hate the idea of online banking.

4. I was looking for my bank book to evaluate the purchase of a monitor + mac mini. I’ve found OS X to force productivity, and I could spent money on myself to increase productivity. I can do about 3 things on this mac, use Firefox, write PHP in Coda, and use iChat (poorly). I would never consider writing a program for the mac, beyond my widget, nor would I every try to do some detailed repair job on a mac. The entire mentallity that I can “drag” a program to a folder to install it is lame. I don’t like how what look like programs are actually folders, and what look like widgets are actually folders too. On windows there are folders, and there are files. None of this folder sudo file nonsense. Windows of course comes with a slow boot time, and multitasking.

5. Tomorrow is Katie’s 18th Birthday. Hip Hip Hooray! I am trying frantically to finish another gift for her, while I should be preparing a morning surprise or something like that. Now that she is 18, we will register to vote in the near future. We being Katie, Kevin, and I. I suggest you all wish her a Happy Birthday and whatever other personal wishes you would like to share with her.

6. My dad broke his cell phone recently, he ripped it out of a charger without undoing the little clips that hold it in. The clips didn’t break, but the bottom of the phone did. Katie, a long time Verizon customer, was able to volunteer her old phone to replace my dads. (Replacing a VX5200 with a VX3300). Its oddly sentimental to have the phone that sent me my first text message now belong to my dad. I have a few memories with that phone, or at least sending messages to it; and I’m sure Katie as even more.

I’ve got to be going now, I’ll keep you posted as I hunt things down.