Where I don't care what others think


January 28th, 2009 Posted in Life, Personal | 1 Comment »

I’ve had a pretty junkie time downloading this file lately, no matter how long I leave my computer on or how high my ratio is, I just cannot not seem to get it all.  Its not like this just came out yesterday either… I figured waiting a few weeks would help it reach achieve a peek level of active seeders or something like that.  There are plenty of other people out there seeding the whole thing, but for some reason my torrent client just won’t take their bits.  I can’t say I’ve spent extra time testing the neutrality of my connection to see who along the line may be messing with me (honestly I am pretty confident someone somewhere is), but I haven’t had trouble with the whole file… just this last chunk of it.   Additionally, my other torrents seem to be working out pretty well.  Maybe they have been going a but slower, but nothing I can use to conclude this is an across-the-board torrent issue.

If I hadn’t been downloading this for such a long time, I would consider just deleting the whole thing and starting over again…. but I would hate to reach the same position I’m in right now.  I’ve also considering trying a different torrent of the same file, but the comments for those indicate they have a virus or trojan and I really don’t want to deal with that junk.

In other news, I’ve got this piece of paper sitting on my desk with an array of dates.  Unfortunately, I cannot recall what they mean.  I am doing my best to jog my memory, but it isn’t the easiest for me to remember why I care about a specific day of a month.  I guess if I can’t recall what these are for I will scour the internet and update my database, hopefully it will be able to figure out what I cannot.  Stupid memory.

Katie recently shared some insight with me, indicating people probably don’t sit next to me because I do not look very nice.  Now I’m not terrible sure which form of nice she was thinking of, but I tend to believe it was the friendly form of nice, not physically appearing decent.  I think I do a decent job of looking physically decent; I shower and shave daily, regularly do my laundry, and comb my hair on a regular basis.  I also do my best to avoid carrying an odor, via the use of deoderant, laundry detergent when I do the wash, and a general practice to avoid eating smelly things such as onions.  Based on that analysis, I can conclude my facial expressions or body language must not be very welcoming.  I don’t recall regularly sitting with my arms crossed and I think my default facial expression results in a slight smile.  I guess it could be my eyes right, in theory eyes can be pretty powerful communicators.. but I think mine are just recievers.

I guess I’ll go give Mr. Nathanson a listen.  His desire to experience a car crash is motivating to me.

Goodnight moon.

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1 Step Forward, 3 Years Back

January 26th, 2009 Posted in College, Life, Mistakes, Personal, Problems | No Comments »

It’s quite unfortunate, I’ve been doing lots of thinking lately.  I don’t believe there is such a thing as too much thinking, but there are times when you can definitely over think something or drill down too far on it.  I don’t know if I’ve reached that point, but I’m working to pull back and take a look at the big picture sometime soon.

What I have noticed, is that on several levels I find myself on the same plane I was on at the start of my freshman year here at RPI.  I guess for me to make this conclusion one of two things must have happened.  1) I made some progress, and then it deteriorated or 2) I never made progress, but found an effective way to mask the situation.  Now I haven’t spent too much time analyzing which of these two circumstances is unfolding, but I do know that I am not where I felt I was 1 year ago at this time, and I do feel like I am more where I am roughly 2.5 years ago.

I also don’t believe you can actually move backwards.  I am no theoretical physicist, but I do think that experiences constantly shape and transform us and there is really no way to undo that.  Sometimes we can be shaped like we have been previously, but time itself hasn’t rewound.

I think back to my freshman year at RPI, where I was barely involved in anything and wonder how that related to what I’m currently involved in.  On paper I might appear to be someone of some slight importance in organizations on campus, but that’s only on paper… and only when its convenient.  I find myself being consulted very little for things that I care very much about.  The majority of things I directly work on have been classified in the ‘sun setting’ stage by most… aka the nobody actually cares about it until it effects them stage.  I would be 95% OK with that if I was just able to go off by my happy self and do what needed to get done, but most of the things require parts from others.  I think I have figured out how to design emails that will automatically be caught by spam filters without using and words to describe male genitalia or cheap drugs.

Socially, I think that last year I traveled to more places on campus than I have this year.  I have only been in one living facility, BARH, and in only one room in said facility (A110) which happens to also be where I reside.  In previous years I’ve enrolled in a class or two that one or more people I am acquanted with happened to be taken as well.  I cannot say the same for this semester, or last semester really, whereby the closest I come is knowing a TA in one of my classes.  I have watched 0 movies here at college this year and gone out to eat 0 times with more than 1 other person.  Wait, I think I went out to eat with 2 people once.  But for me its not the number of opportunities I take advantage of that matter, because that number I can directly control.  I care more about the quality of opportunities that are presented to me because I have much less control in that field; and my junior year has been dismal on the social, academic, and professional front.

Typically I would be ok with this.  I’ve been writing off losses on the social front for over a decade now, and the academic experience at college has never been what I’ve been hoping for, but I’ve rarely experienced such losses on the professional front.  I look forward to the summer after my Junior year, where most people typically report finding an internship doing something like what they might want to be doing for a career [some lucky people even get offered jobs], and I can’t say the outlook looks bright at all.  I’ve always said to myself, ya know what self… this summer you will do this moderately boring work because it will give you some experience which will help you get a position doing not-boring work during the summer of you junior year, because employers recognize you might have some skills by that point.  Personally, I can’t say I’ve acquired any skills in the past 2 years that I would want to be doing at a job.. but thats a topic for another day.  I look ahead and say hrm, there is a low probability this summer will be radically different that any other, and that is not encouraging if its a sign of what may lay ahead in my career path.  Dear someone with enough money to hire me:  Open up shop in western mass and look for local PHP programmers.

Unfortunately its not just the summer that has me in a tiff.  In past, I’ve managed to avoid thinking about the summer because I have been busy working on cool and exciting things like Shuttle Tracking, Concerto, or RPI TV things.  Alas, while both of those projects are cool and exciting, they are not presenting tons of work-opportunities at the moment.

Fundamentally I am, well I don’t know the word.  Disturbed fits, but not really… intrigued doesn’t express contempt… and confused implies some lack of comprehension.  Blend those, and then you might get what I’m feeling.  My training dictates the methods I follow and the conclusions I can draw and support, but long ago I had ruled out the possibility that someone different could live my life but better.  I felt that I was doing a very good job of optimizing underperforming areas and readjusting things that needed it.  I’ve recalculated many times and the scores still come out the same, indicating I am behind without the leg up.  Needless to say I need need a plan.

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Towers and Dragons

January 21st, 2009 Posted in Life, Personal | 1 Comment »

I stole some time today to do a little bit of thinking.  I actually started the thinking yesterday if my memory serves me right, but the timeframe isn’t really critical.  What is important is the content and context of my thoughts.  What I think is greatly complemented by where I think it.  Where being not just the physical location, but the whole enviromental surrounding me.  I’ve been paying particular attention to the enviroment surrounding me for the past few days, trying to focus my attention of things I’ve forgotten, failed to notice, or shrugged off.

See I think the secret to all of this is really in the details.  The big picture is great, but thats not mine to easily shape.  I can, however, make large strides moving grains of sand.  Tomorrow no one will probably know what I’ve done, and the days after that will remain the same.  Not until someone takes out that old picture from a last year and notices hey, that pile is a few feet over in the other direction.

One thing I notice is that the sand always a way back.  You can fill up a wheelbarrel, dump it off somewhere, and give it some time.  It won’t be wear you left it.  Sure, some of the segments just naturally slide down as gravity takes its turn, but you need to account for those before you dump the pile.  Its the particles that are carried by critters, blown by the wind, or washed by the rain that are really important to me.  They can indicate the weather, migratory patterns, and the feelings towards the pile of sand.

There is an old proverb that goes something like “If you build it, they will come.”  I find that to be a bit to simple for my liking.  At first glance, one might be fooled into thinking that if you build a foundation “they” will come and help you finish the rest off.  Not the case at all.  Sure, building something will gain you something, but what you gain (unless your in the artificial intelligence field) won’t finish the job for you.

The proverb also establishes some tone indicating that when they come, it will be kind of a big deal, right?  The proverb doesn’t say “If you build it, 4 people will show up”.  “They,” being the masses that are, will come.  And honestly, when they arrive everyone, yourself included, will probably have a decent time.

Strategically, the post-party is left out.  What happens when they leave?  Yea, you guessed it, you’re left to clean and pick up the pieces.  Your small sand castle may be nothing but a small mound on the horizon, full of your memories, the sweat of your dedication, and the minutes of your persistance.  To them, they shrug, it was fun while it lasted.  Time to move on.  It can be hard to find the energy to clean up and put something back together, especially after every has left you literally in the dust.

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