Where I don't care what others think

How to make me mad: Part 1 of many

January 31st, 2006 Posted in Problems, Studio, Stupid People | No Comments »

Today was an overall bad day. This morning I didn’t accomplish anything because of that stupid clock that tells everyone to move at 7:20.. I learned I’m usually ready to make a move around that time, my internal clock needs to be fixed then.

Lunch was really crowded and frustrating because certain people kicked others out of a table, for no real reason at all. They pulled the “we’re seniors” garbage and made one cramped table. Sure, there was a seat saved for me… but at lunch I enjoy being around people who don’t insult me or who I’m with constantly.. maybe I can eat with a smile on?

Then, I learned of a plan to take another adventure to go get some food… but I had already turned over my keys for what I thought was “safe keeping”. Well, my wallet was taken… not something I really enjoy. That’s the one thing I wouldn’t recommend taking from me… it tends to make me mad.. especially when I get it back and it’s missing pieces. Read the rest of this entry »

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January 23rd, 2006 Posted in Stupid People | 1 Comment »

Today was a pinnacle of my frustration with someone, he just doesn’t support me at all in my efforts. It’s not like he’s that slow whereas he can’t figure it out. But I think he knows exactly what I’m trying to do but he doesn’t want to support it because he doesn’t like it, actually I think he hates it. Well, my response to him is “Well, you can think what you want but I don’t care. I love her and your just going to have to deal with that.”
It’s hard to explain, but I really enjoy hanging out with her. I know you just want to be able to get on with your life, and that depends on me leaving to go take care of you, but come on; I’m not asking you to endorse what I’m doing, I’m not asking for you help, I’m not even asking you to be okay with it.. I’m just asking you to let me carry on with things… it’s really not that hard.

What adds to the frustration is that I’m always there to support you.. I listen to you even though I don’t usually understand, I’ve covered for you more times that you probably remember, I’ve fixed things for you a ton but I don’t seem to get anything back. I’m not asking for a miracle from you, I’m just asking for you to let me keep going…

Chances are the person I’m talking about won’t actually read this. Honestly, I know he won’t read it unless someone forces/tells him too because that’s how much he cares…

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I beat the system!

January 20th, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

While today was a generally bad day, the afternoon made it significantly better. I’ll skip right to the chase… I beat the system. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I managed to hack my way into college; peticularly RPI. Because I don’t want them to find out.. I won’t tell you how I did it.. but it worked as I recieved my letter from the office of admissions today.

Actually, I didn’t “hack” or “social engineer” my way in; I sent an application… but I like to think I hacked in, it makes me feel more accomplished.

Now, do I want to go?

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