Where I don't care what others think

Those sick Olde Englishe poets

April 3rd, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Everyone today says that the youth of America is rather corrupt and oriented towards sex/drinking/drugs. Well, today in english class I can to the conclusion that this problem is not something that is specific to this generation or america or any of the clear attributes. Grr, I just got salsa all over my chin… but back on track. As I was saying, these qualitys are not specific to our generation in any way. If you go back to ye early times 13-1600s you can see the exact same thing going on. Sure, they didn’t have the f word and I’m not sure sex was a word either, but they had words like wanton, lewd, and the word ‘love’ rhymed with ‘move’. See, this isn’t a “trend” or something that has just come about, it’s been rooted in human nature forever. But way back when the cool thing to do was to show your love for someone through a poem in such a way you didn’t flat out say you wanted to make love to them but to provide constant yet suddle hints everywhere so the average person would go “aww, that’s cute” but the trained english person would go “eww, that sick little poet want to get with her”. So you see, not everything is what it seems to be, innocence lies on a bed of deciept or something like that.

Christopher Marlowe: The Passionate Shepherd to his Love

Sir Walter Raleigh: The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepard

Sir John Suckling: The Constant Lover

Robert Herrick: Everything he wrote

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Now this is poor planning..

April 2nd, 2006 Posted in Problems | No Comments »

Well, I was going to focus on another subject about my dreams and how they’ve fallen through but I have something else to say. Who plans Prom on the day one the movie of one of the best books ever comes out? South Hadley High School of course! May 19 is Prom night, but May 19 is also the opening day of DaVinci Code, based on the novel by Dan Brown that abolutely rocked! If the movie can compare to the books, I’m gonna like it a lot lot lot and I’ve been counting down until it comes out but I just remembered Prom was that same day! Now I’m faced with a dilemna, do I see the midnight showing or not. I was planning on it, even if it meant going alone (non of my good friends seemed to big into it) but now I’m not sure, that would make for a very late night followed by another late night and I’m not sure if my wierd body could handle that. Maybe I’ll just wait until the weekend to watch it… But it’s hard to believe all that is a little over a month and a half away.. AHHH!

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Cognitive Recognition

March 29th, 2006 Posted in Mistakes | No Comments »

Grr to me. It turns out my ability to recognize people isn’t as great as I rely on it to be. I’ve always thought that I’m good at recognizing people and being like “hey, i know that person,” but names.. now that’s a totally different story, I can’t remember those for the life of me. Specifically there is one person that I can’t recognize, I’ve seen him three (?) times I think, no wait, four. Four times, but one was rather confusing, ok all of them have been rather confusing.

Let me just tell you the story so you can laugh at me. This morning dad gave me some dry cleaning for me to drop off at General Cleaners and asked me to see if there was anything to be picked up, ok I said.. no big deal right? Wrong! I went to General Cleaners after school to drop off the two shirts and I was waiting there while an elderly gentlemen picked up some suits (something related to church, not exactly sure). I wasn’t thinking to much of anything when I heard the door open, my instinct tells me to look to see who it is and I immediately get baffled. The guy I see reminds me of Katie’s dad. Now I didn’t want to stare so I went back to looking at the cool clothes spinny machine (the lady was going to 32) but I was trying to decide if that was actually her dad or was I just seeing things.

Now this wouldn’t have been the first time I’ve seen someone who looked like him, but this time I was more confident than others, close to 80% I think. I kept thinking of ways that might get him to recognize me, like I could call Katie, or send her a txt message, or even pull out my press pass with a tiger paw and my name on it, of course I didn’t have enough time as the lady called me up next. I managed to make a fool of myself with the receipt and starch, my dad always changes if he wants those things or not.. But I walked out, maybe I said have a nice day to that lady, maybe not.. things get blurred.

As I’m approaching the door I see a blue car parked in front of the bank with a beautiful driver… Katie! EEK… my first thought was ok, they are clearly at the bank. I start running fast, just get outta there before you get more confused. Katie shouts like “what are you doing here?” I said “Dry Cleaners” and she starts laughing or something… yupp, that was her dad alright.

By this time I’m back in my car and pull out to go get outta there. I get in the turning right lane to head to my house and guess who pulls up next to me… the blue car! I make a very modest wave because her dad was right there and on a cell phone? and I didn’t want to make a big roll down the window and start chatting scene. I pull out, problem solved, situation clear.

At this point I’m going over everything in my head to figure out where I went wrong and stuff. Well, first I should have done a better job recognizing her dad. I know I can recognize her mom but I need some work on her dad. Hopefully I’ll be able to pull that off sooner rather than later. Secondly, I should just say Hi next time; and if I make a fool of myself in the process so be it.

I think I have a new stratgy for recognizing him spefically which involves Hugh Laurie, and now that House is back on with new episodes (w00t w00t) it should get easier.

I decided wearing a name tag was not a feasable option.

But in the chance he reads this:

Sorry for not recognizing you at the cleaners today. Hopefully it won’t happen again.. me not recognizing you that is, and if it does I’m sorry in advance. Here’s what I probably would have said, “Hi”.. “How are you”… “Have a nice day!” [maybe a great day or good day or afternoon]. So again, sorry about that, I hope I didn’t come off as scared of you or anything because that’s not the case at all; hopefully you got a few laughs out of it. Have a great night! Oh yeah, thanks for raising such a super cool awsome daughter!


(Who’s working on recognizing people more)

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