Where I don't care what others think

Don’t stop here tonight….

April 23rd, 2006 Posted in Problems, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

If you haven’t been following my posts, this one will seem a little wierd but here I go.

My parents will be out of town for the next few days (Monday-Thursday). Now the normal teenager would be like wahoo, party time, etc, etc. Nope, the mood the quite the opposite. My dad will be in Boston at Brigham and Women’s Hospital having a medical procedure done to address some cancer. He is having his prostate thingy removed in an effort to stop cancer in it’s tracks. So dad will be out of comission for a while and mom is taking the week off to help him out. From his explainations to me it sounds pretty unfun with tubes sticking places tubes are not suppose to be. Well, I certainly hope everything goes OK, actually.. I’m not giving thought to any other plan. It’s been kind of depressing when he calls me to show me where the important financial stuff is and who to call incase.. well, I’m not going to go there.

So if I seem a little wierded out this week, this next weekend, etc. I’m sorry and I’ll get over it as soon as possible. It should also be know that my parents are keeping this to themselves. If they tell people, all they say is “medical procedure”. Only close family, friends, and co-workers know. I consider you all friends, probably pretty close to me or connected somehow if you’re reading this, so it’s ok if you know. But if, in the course of talking with them, it comes up, I would recommend acting completely shocked and confused because they don’t know about this site at all.

The other part of this is a continuation of the last blog. I never told you all the reasons but I’ll probably be looking for elsewhere to chill on the weekends, assuming people are still free. I have a feeling mom most likely won’t be in the mood to have people over while dad is recovering. So, I’m hoping some good movies come out… and I’ll go get very very slow food to pass the night away. Maybe I’ll find somewhere cool to be, maybe a mall that allows kids in (god, isn’t that rebelious of the pyramid management group), maybe I’ll umm… i dunno, I’m out of ideas already. Walk.. I could go for a walk… lol.. idk. Hopefully some ideas will come to me, or someone will suggest some ideas, or anything really.. just let me know.

Thanks again and good luck dad!

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I na na na na need to get outta this place

April 22nd, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

On rainy days like this I especially feel the need to get outta the house and do something. I was suppose to go find a tux for prom, it only takes a few minutes if i keep it simple black but that plan to go out fell through when dad decided to go the gym instead. That leaves me here sitting alone in my chair pretty darn bored. Kevin is downstairs playing video games and mom is around, but yupp… pretty darn boring here. I went looking at movies and there aren’t even any good movies out. I can’t walk around the mall because I’m “underage” so what is a teenage like myself to do? Eww.. i just noticed some stains on my RPI hoodie.. let me go clean those up, brb.. wierd.. they didn’t come out so great with water so I’m thinking something non-polar like oil or something. Water, being a bent molecule is polar (has a positive and negative side) so it really only plays nicely with other polar stuff. Back on track, what track? I’m bored out of my mind here..

Well, I need to get outta of here and just do anything. Sitting on a couch would be cool, or even walking around aimlessly or something.. idk, i’ll do just about anything to get away from doing all these AP homework packets (4 hours of calc, 1 compressed hour of chem, 1 hour stat, and 1.5 compressed hours of english) that’s too much sitting in a chair for my liking…

Please, rescue me!!!

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Just shoot me now…

April 21st, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
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