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April 30th, 2006 Posted in Mistakes | Enter your password to view comments.

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Protected: The password is “a quarter divided by a kevin”

April 30th, 2006 Posted in Problems | Enter your password to view comments.

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April 26th, 2006 Posted in Problems | 1 Comment »

Let me fill you in on what’s happening:

My Dad: My Dad’s operation was a sucess and he’s recovering comfortably. He will not be coming home tomorrow as planned. I guess something was leaking, no real details, but he’s staying another day at least. Hopefully he comes home Friday.. possibly Saturday; I guess they’re waiting to see what happens with everything.

Living home alone is tricky. Especially with a brother that isn’t great at taking care of himself. Being a boy scout, I know how to camp, light a fire, etc, but I also know how to take care of myself and get things done alone. My brother requires todo lists, constant reminders, etc.. I get very tired very quickly. Maybe parenting isn’t for me… lol… ya think? I can’t think that far down the road…

Schoolwise: God everything is stressful at the moment. All my AP classes are in cram mode. Seriously, we’re taking the exact same style test in like every class. I swear, it’s like 4 hours of test material and we’re expected to do just as much at home? I’m pretty much dead. I can no longer look at an AP Chem Open response question without immediately getting sleepy. AP Stat makes me fidget like a first grader in a spelling test. AP English would be ok if he didn’t give us 20 other things to do at the same time, and if I wasn’t already tired from the others. AP Calc is decent, just because its easier and by that point I’m too tired to care. Luckily the test are the next week so I can get that over with. Maybe I’ll get a 4 or 5 somewhere. I’m aiming for a combined total (4 tests) of 15 points.. definately do-able… but in the mean time my brain has just given up. I’ve never had senioritis, but APitis… maybe so.

I just need to relax and de-stress, and the home situation is not helping at all. Mom calls me all lonely on the phone, Kevin is like a pet downstairs, all while dad is sleeping in a bed. I don’t know of too much in life that could be harder than this. What complicates things is the fact that I really don’t know what I’m doing. If I was a “full-fledged” adult I would understand what I’ve setup, not what my dad setup. For example today the yard ppl showed up and I was confused, dad knew everything about his yard but I knew nothing…

So this weekend I might just set up a tent somewhere, any where… and get away from it all. I most certainly want to chill with people because certain ppl relieve my stress soo much.. but they’ve been ill to top it off. Get well soon by the way.

Ok, I need to do the following:

  1. Shower
  2. Clean Up and Pack backpack
  3. Get stuff ready for the morning
  4. Make Kevin’s todo list
  5. Tell Kevin to go to bed
  6. Turn the lights off
  7. Lock all doors

Kevins Todo list will look like this:

  • Pack Backpack
  • Do dishes
  • Lunchmoney (which I’ll get out for him so he doesn’t forget)
  • Clean off the desk we’re moving for dad
  • Alarm Clock

Ok.. I’ll remember more later…

Soma anyone?

JK.. I don’t need soma, I know that spending 5 minutes with the best girl on the face of the planet.. even just walking down the street or around the neighborhood, would be better than a kilogramme of any soma.

Good night world, because I know no one will say it to me in person.

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