Where I don't care what others think

Sailing on the Hi-C’s

June 6th, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Graduation was on Sunday, the rain held off until the bittersweet end. I got mentioned, people clapped, no one knew the extent of my work. But I’m probably complaining too much. I now have a high school diploma, I can work at a place a step up from McDonalds.

My middle name was revealing very unexcitingly, in a seating chart… grr them

But today was Doctor day! It turns out my doctor no longer practices there, that makes 4 doctors i’ve had… the first one was going to figure out what was wrong with me but he died.. and the rest just say “i’ll grow out of it.” Actually, the latest one is old (Abrams) and he might not even know…

But I had to pee in a cup, my sugar and other stuff was fine. I wonder if they’re running a secret drug test or dna test… well I pass either way. No drugs, good dna in me.

Peeing in a cup was easy.. the shots were not tho. I got two, two chances to faint. The first one was PPD for Tb screening, so I have a bubble in my arm? Well I had a little bubble but now I dunno what’s there, I’m afraid taking off the bandage will make me fainty. I survived that shot no problem’s… of course i starred away when being attacked but its not bad…

The second one was not so easy. It was Menactra for Meningitis…. ouch! I got all ghost coloured (or lack of coloured) and layed down/fell over… typical me. I remained concious the entire time which was good, and then I got to sit down and drink Hi-C. Afterwords I drove home, i went alone…

My left arm is done with typing for now….

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June 1st, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Today was the In-School awards ceremony and last night was scholarship night.. i won a few things:

Scholarship night:

Hampshire County College Fair Scholarship – For community service and such

West Springfield Teacher’s Association Scholarship – Mom teaches there

Awards Ceremony:

Computer Science 4 Award – Since I’m good at that
Physics Award – A complete surprise. (Apparently I can work gravity)
Connections Award – For.. umm… putting up with the connections director?
Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery – MCAS & SAT/AP Award (tuition waver at UMass incase I leave RPI)

School Contribution Award – Presented by the Principal for my helping with computers.

All of that was cool, I’m not sure if the “School Contribution” award is the Principal’s Award. I hope so, I really looked forward to getting that because I the trend says it goes to the best TT senior member… Who knows? Not me.

Graduation is Sunday, everyone on Earth is invited. MHC Outside thingy…

I think I passed high school:

AP Chemisty : A or A-

Computer Science 4: A

AP Stat: No clue

Connections: A or A-

Accel Physics: A

AP English: B+

AP Calc: B+

Yippee for me.

And tonight I might be getting a new cell phone from Verizon, the whole fam might be going on a plan, i dunno if I get to keep my number because dad is lost.

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Home again Home again

May 30th, 2006 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

It feels like I haven’t updated this in forever. I’m sorry for my lack of updates, I wish I knew where my mind was as of late. Time seems to be flying and the todo list seems to be well, it’s not advancing very fast. Unfortunately I have yet to find a rememdy, and this heat it not helping me. When the heat first comes like it has recently, I get very lazy and try to avoid the heat.

Today’s mission, and possibly tomorrow’s, will be to try and cool down my room. My room was added on to the house after initial construction so it does not have A/C (as every other room does). Instead, I was given a ceiling fan. It’s very decorative and good at moving around the hot air, but it doesn’t really cool it down. So? I open 4 windows, turn off the lights, and crank the fan on high… nothing really happens. This year I was hoping to fix that for good by taking an old space heater and convering it into a space cooler. The idea was simple, replace the heating coil (similiar to what you find in a hair dryer) with a cooling coil. The cooling coil would be a copper tube filled with water that could be frozen. Well, I need a triangular screwdriver to open the thing… hrmm

Did I ever blog about prom? I’m really not sure and currently too lazy to click the button that would tell me so I can blog anyways. Prom was a pretty sweet time, I had a blast with my friends and everyone I hung out with. Let me try a play by memory. I got into my tux, all went well there. Mom put the flower thing on me against my will, it was quickly removed after photos. Katie arrived looking simply stunning.. well simply isn’t the right word because she was super gorgeous and not simple like but i think you know where I was going? Then Kevin, Katie’s Mom, and my parents took pictures. My aunt was there for some wierd reason, I didn’t like that part. Then we hopped in the lexus and drove to Wykoff Country club where we went inside and hunted for our table… we found it right in the middle of everything. Then we got pictures taken, here’s the one we got:

Prom Pic
OK, that was scanned on a kinda dusty scanner, so the actual picture didn’t have all those white dots in it. But can’t you see how pretty she looks? Super beautiful!
Well, we sat down for food which never came (last table served = cold food) followed by dancing which was neat. All of a sudden I seem to have memory of this blog, sorry for being repetative.

Next topic: School is done pour moi, at least High School is. I handed in my last final today, so far it looks like I’m passing! I might get a diploma after all! Graduation is Sunday, 4pm at MHC I think. I’ll showup when they tell me to. After graduation I have a frustrating family dinner to go too, Katie was invited (I hope she doesn’t feel obligated to attend or too awkward or anything of the sort) Grr, I also have several friends party’s I’d like to go to. Today my mom said “well, I didn’t see you staying very long at the party sunday” well Sunday I was rushed hom from vermont… and the party’s I have on graduation day are with people I’ve been friends with since 1st and 2nd grade! Well, I plan on partying with them until… i dunno… I can’t say passout like the phrase usually ends with because I don’t think you can passout from coke…. but for a while…

Grr.. mom just came in and attacked trying to figure out what this is, I now have to be on lookout for her.

Umm… next topic will be… umm… Birthday! Happy Birthday to me! I turned 18 on May 25th, w00t w00t. I have yet to register to vote or for the draft, I hope the goverment doesn’t kill me before I do so! Lol… umm yea, Thanks to everyone who helped make my 18th birthday an event to remember. It definately is the most memorable i have which is cool! Thank you! Well I’m not sure I can accurately recaputure all of it, but I can certainly try. A bunch of friends went out and got Lunch with me, followed by some tasty cake. After school i was surprised with 18 balloons, I had no clue they did balloons at big y.. who woulda known? Not me! Well, I got some super super super cool gifts from Kt which I love a lot lot lot (her… and the gifts) And I also got some neat gifts from people you wouldn’t expect which was pretty sweet. My parents and family: Kevin got me a mcdonalds gift card he would like to use with katie, him, and myself. Dad did the shopping for my gifts and got me: A digital camera, Cologne, Goldfish (the snacks), Shorts (I already own the pair), and a polo shirt. I returned the camera and cologne so I can get a better camera. My family doesn’t always buy me the greatest gifts, but I live with that.

Umm, in the meantime.. I’ve just been exposed to a plan that’s looking pretty fun and interesting and adventurous if it can happen.. only time will tell..

Goodnight moon.

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