Where I don't care what others think

Archive for the ‘Studio’ Category


Friday, March 10th, 2006 Posted in Mistakes, Problems, Studio, Stupid People | 1 Comment »

For some reason I was sad yesterday, I really don't know what made me feel sad but I didn't want people to see me like that so I hid. Yes, I know that's the childish thing to do, but ...

Another steep hill… threw me into the valley

Monday, February 13th, 2006 Posted in Problems, Studio, Stupid People | 1 Comment »

Today was a day, not a great day.. but a day. Sure, we got 3 bookish things to "read" over vacation, and a stat test came back... but that really wasn't what was bothering me a whole lot. ...

How to make me mad: Part 1 of many

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006 Posted in Problems, Studio, Stupid People | No Comments »

Today was an overall bad day. This morning I didn't accomplish anything because of that stupid clock that tells everyone to move at 7:20.. I learned I'm usually ready to make a move around that time, my internal clock ...