Where I don't care what others think

Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Of course I forgot

Monday, February 12th, 2007 Posted in College, Life, Stupid People | No Comments »

I had a great blog planned for today, of course that means I forgot it. I thought of it earlier today, and.. well.. its still in earlier today. Maybe if I write for long enough I can flush ...

Hello Goodfriend

Thursday, February 8th, 2007 Posted in College, Life | 2 Comments »

Its been almost a week, by that I mean tomorrow will be one week since my last posting and an update is definately due, where shall we start? Well my time usage seems to be balancing out...well kinda..I've been able to ...

Use of Time

Friday, February 2nd, 2007 Posted in College, Life, Mistakes | No Comments »

I think time should be used effectively, and it shouldn't be wasted. I also know that I waste a good chunk of time each day for some reason or another. Over the past few days I've been able ...