Where I don't care what others think

Archive for the ‘Life’ Category


Saturday, April 25th, 2009 Posted in Life, Personal, Problems | 1 Comment »

I look around at what I see and wonder if this is me or if its everyone.  Where did I misstep, where did I go wrong, how could I lead so far astray.  I can't help but see how it ...

Real Intelligence

Sunday, April 19th, 2009 Posted in Life, Personal | No Comments »

I've been meaning to write a blog for the past few days, but I wanted to leave the PHP on Google's App Engine post up top for a little while to help people find it.  Hopefully its been helpful to ...

Commonly Accepted Limits and Bounding Conditions

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009 Posted in Life, Personal, Problems | No Comments »

First off, I would like to share a few thoughts unrelated to today's thesis. I like the new Facebook layout, however I dislike their data streaming methods.  I've found the activity streams to generally be outdated and too slow to update.  ...