Where I don't care what others think

Archive for the ‘College’ Category

The Price is Wrong

Saturday, December 13th, 2008 Posted in College, Life, Problems | No Comments »

Today has been a pretty boring day, reminiscent of times last semester where I would just sit in my room and do very little.  Speaking of which, that reminds me I need to vaccum.  I might also wash my sheets ...


Sunday, December 7th, 2008 Posted in College, Life, Personal, Problems | 1 Comment »

Classes have officially ended for my fifth semester here at RPI.  I have 2 finals in coming days, one in Material Science this Wendesday, and one in Electric Circuits the following Monday.  I am concerned for the Mat Sci final, ...


Sunday, November 30th, 2008 Posted in College, Mistakes, Personal, Stupid People | 3 Comments »

I'm back at RPI after Thankgiving break.  It always feels short, but it was just about the right length.  Any longer and it would have been cramping in on Christmas break, and any shorter would have made for just a ...