Where I don't care what others think

Free Webhosting & Tired?

November 14th, 2006 Posted in College, Life

Right now I can’t sleep. Its 12:40am on Tuesday and I can’t sleep a wink. Maybe its because the TV is tuned into football and all the lights are on or maybe I’m thinking too much. I’ll spill some thoughts in a blog and maybe I’ll get sleepy.

First I should say that I’ve never been a fan of doing things when you can’t sleep. I find them very very silly, which is why I wonder why I’m doing this right now. The only time I’ve ever done things when I couldn’t sleep was when working on an ARG I had to post some content at a wierd hour for the players to dabble with while I slept. I could never see how someone could get sleepier from reading or watching tv, personally I would need to attend a math class to get sleepier. Something I cannot do at 12:47am.

A few thoughts on my mind.

Nikola Tesla, I wonder if he could make me a teleporter. That would be very neat. Too bad he’s dead. I like the movie The Prestige, you should check it out!

I also wonder if someone like the russian’s has his death ray, if I’m not alive anytime soon I would start to think conspiracy.. but this post would be deleted because no one will read it the instant I post it.

Another interesting thought is the Tiger Times need for a server. Dell will not give me one unless I move to a state on a specific list of theirs. I emailed HP but might look into suppliers like Tiger Direct soon. If anyone has a rack mounted server that could run Windows XP please contact me.

No movement on the million dollar idea, I really need a google server to do the work for me. Then I can make the money easily. No, chances are you don’t understand.

I officially got my Eagle Award this weekend, it was so so. I’ll post details about everything and my speech later. Sorry for messing everything up love.

Dan is drumming a beat on the bed below me. I’m so totally lost.

Shelby is sleeping.

Ok, now to my completely random idea. An idea for a new club at RPI just popped into my head. While I don’t have a specific name hammered out, I’m between Web Development Club or Tech Development Club. The idea behind the club is as follows: get a few servers and use them to provide web space for members of the club. The servers are controlled by the club, not the dotCIO people. You might be asking why? Because RPI provides very basic webspace to its students and if you ask me I think there is a need for students to have very affordable access to webspace and serverspace better suited to their needs. The club could provide space and access to its members on some type of tier or dues system, depending on the financial contributions possible by the Union or whoever does that. The servers would have things like PHP, Mysql, CGI, . Fully controlled by the group. Personally, I would save about $50 a year with such a group if they could host my NON COMMERCIAL sites which i use for learning PHP and things like that. I expect there are similiar students at RPI?

I know this blog is read by few people, and even fewer RPI students, but if anyone is interested in joining said group let me know. If there are more than 2 people I’ll make a facebook group. Pass the word. If anyone knows how to start a club here at RPI, please contact me. I have no clue what to do.
In other news my girlfriend will kill me because I used the word “Server” several hundred times in that last paragraph. 🙁

I’m in a Laser Tag Team called “Tag Team”. I go by the nickname “FBI Bri”… lol.. pretty sweet huh? Check out our myspace:

A continuation of a story from before I love Katie a lot. I miss her a very much right now. My english can be excused, its 1am. I dislike having to rush back late Sunday because it translates to very bad goodbyes.

I’m feeling slightly more tired.. maybe the laptop on my legs is simulating the baby drinking warm milk sensation.. who knows.

Grr to classes that fill up before I’m in them. Both options I had for Humanities and Social Sciences are full now and I emailed both professors who both said no to sneaking me in. So I guess its 4 math/science/engineering things next semester, and then when I’m suppose to take Diff EQ sometime next year I’ll double with 2 H&SS to makeup time.

Ok, Time for sleep, 5 whole hours of it.

Please contact if interested in the club.

Good night moon.

  1. 2 Responses to “Free Webhosting & Tired?”

  2. By Katie on Nov 14, 2006


    the word that shall not be named!

    i will now say . . .


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  2. Nov 18, 2007: Data

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